That's how it works currently. Along with other neighbor code fixes
I'll try to change it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Piotr Szafran" <p_szafran@xxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 4:38 PM
I think i know why tokens are in LRQ message,
when i commented out the Endpoint section where i am using Password the
LRQ was clean of any tokens.
It seems to be bug! Password from Endpoint is used in LRQ messages to
all neighbor
What do you think?
i have problem with LRQ send to Clarent Gatekeeper. I have two GnuGK,
that are neighbors to Clarent. Both are sending LRQ to CGK. First one
is working ok (lrq is printed below), but the second one fails - maybe
because there are some tokens(??) included in LRQ. Where are the
tokens from? The manual says that password in neighbor isn't
implemented and it is not set in configuration file. After receiving
LRQ ClarentGK, says something like "couldn't decode message". I think
tokens in lrq makes this problems, how can i remove them??
Both gnugk are 2.2.3 and config files are almost identical:
AcceptPrefixes=0 SendPrefixes=88,0697
LRQ from 1 gk:
2005/10/21 13:31:08.501 3 RasSrv.cxx(231) RAS Send
to x.x.x.x:1719
locationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 24722
destinationInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "0697yyyyyy"
replyAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
y y y y }
port = 1719
sourceInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 7 characters {
canMapAlias = FALSE
hopCount = 10
canMapSrcAlias = FALSE
2005/10/21 13:31:08.501 5 RasSrv.cxx(245) RAS Sent
LRQ from 2 gnugk:
2005/10/21 13:46:01.557 3 RasSrv.cxx(221) RAS Send
to x.x.x.x:1719
locationRequest {
requestSeqNum = 413
destinationInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "0697zzzzzz"
replyAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
d d d d >...
port = 1719
sourceInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 5 characters {
canMapAlias = FALSE
tokens = 1 entries {
tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.
timeStamp = 1129895161
challenge = 16 octets {
c7 9b 47 2f 57 9c bc 67 16 5e d0 b2 5e 64 7a c3
random = 115
generalID = 6 characters {
0047 004b 002d 0031 0032 0000 }
cryptoTokens = 1 entries {
[0]=cryptoEPPwdHash {
alias = h323_ID 5 characters {
0047 004b 002d 0031 0032 }
timeStamp = 1129895161
token = {
algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113549.2.5
paramS = {
hash = Hex: 52 1f fd 6c 65 30 08 71 98 2c 1f f1 b2 ad 18 20
hopCount = 10
canMapSrcAlias = FALSE
2005/10/21 13:46:01.557 5 RasSrv.cxx(235) RAS Sent
2005/10/21 13:46:01.557 2 Neighbor.cxx(722) NB 1
LRQ(s) sent
Thanks Piotrek
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