Ok, so how can i join two networks, one based on LRQ and second with
built hierarchy of childs and parents?
i have gnugk that is registrated as endpoint to the parent gk, my gk is
questioned by neighbor with LRQ, How can i send my neighbors call to my
(because there is no problem with sending a call to my child or
registred ep)
No, because LRQ is a Location ReQuest which
does not need to be followed by a call. It's only
to find a specified user, not to get call admission.
Another question is whether the parent gatekeeper
should be contacted during LRQ processing,
but for me it seems to be a good idea.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Piotr Szafran"
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:59 AM
Yes, forwarding is qustionable, isn't that child should ARQ the
parent? if child is registrated as normal endpoint shouldn't it send
normal ARQ?
Maybe forwarding an LRQ to a parent gatekeeper
can be questionable, but the parent gatekeeper should
not reject LRQs from any registered endpoint. The standard
specifies than a registered endpoint is allowed to LRQ
its gatekeeper. LRJ seems to be a bug.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Piotr Szafran"
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:46 PM
When i set
the LRQ from GK-3 is rejected because there is no specific
registrated endpoint - that is fully known behaviour
but when i set
the LRQ is being forwarded to the parent (GK-1), even though there
is no neighbor configuration for a "neighbor-parent".
So let me ask again, is it normal that gnu forwards LRQ to the
parent (that it is registrated to as an [Endpoint]) without any
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