Hi Sean,
A few things you may be able to try quickly:
Does using fast start and/or H.245 tunneling help?
You have no NetworkInterfaces directive, so the NAT traversal
is being done by the external gk. Have you tried setting
NetworkInterfaces? If so, does it fail in the same way?
Without NetworkInterfaces, you can't have endpoints on
public IPs work directly with the internal gk (I assume
you don't need that), so perhaps you could try having
the internal gk be a child and register with the external gk.
If the endpoints registered to the external gk are a different
type from those on the internal gk, move one to be sure that the
problem is related to the neighbor connection.
If none of the above helps, use Ethereal to see precisely
what is going wrong. I suspect that either H.245 or RTP
addresses are not being properly translated, or the firewall
is not forwarding them properly.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Salomon" <ssalomon@xxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 2:01 AM
Subject: RE: 2 gnu gatekeepers working as neighbors
I am running a similar configuration. I have one gatekeeper
behind a firewall as a proxy. I have endpoints registering with that
proxy(gnugk). I then have that internal proxy setup as a neighbor to a
gatekeeper on a external ip. Endpoints are registered to that external
gateway. I would like to have both endpoints communicate. I have yet to
get it working. I am able to call out. But when I call in and accept the
call it gets dropped. It looks like the external gatekeeper is handing
off the call as it should to the internal gatekeeper, but then the call
is being dropped. Below is my internal gatekeeper config. Any help or
hints would be appreaciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: openh323gk-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:openh323gk-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Stewart Nelson
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:39 PM
To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 2 gnu gatekeepers working as neighbors
Hi Luca,
When you said "Both gatekeepers have a public ip address" I assumed that
each gatekeeper has two NICs, one of which is a public IP. Or, at
least, the public IP is an address listed by ipconfig. But from your
.ini file, it seems that the gk's are behind NATs. Is that correct?
If so, I don't know if what you are trying to do with LRQ/LCF is
supported -- I have not tried this myself, nor have I seen any posts
from others having succeeded.
When you get the 10049 error, is the address printed that for gk1?
If so, it is probably trying to bind to that address, which may be a bug
in the code. Perhaps Michal can comment on this. If it's the address
for gk2, you might try adding some debugging statements, so we know why
the system call is being rejected.
Running a gk on a dynamic IP is not a big problem, if your IP changes
only once or twice a year as a result of a network outage.
But if your provider purposely changes your address (some do it every
day) you will have trouble. Not only will all calls be dropped when the
address changes, but you won't be able to call back right away, because
it will take a while for dynamic DNS to propagate, and clients to
realize the address to which they must register (or send LRQ).
----- Original Message -----
From: "-Luca-" <noceluca@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: 2 gnu gatekeepers working as neighbors
Hi stewart,
I've observed LRQ and LCF messages, and they are correct, the telephony
service and the firewall
are unable.
I see that LCF is correctly read from gk1.
I also keep a check of my gatekeeper.ini file :-)
The ip that you've tried connect to, is an ip that my
provider dynamically assign to
"I assume that the :0 means that gk1 was trying to connect to
port 0, which was rejected by the OS"
Well, i have tried to run the 2 getekeepers and the 2 clients in the
same local lan, in this case
all worked fine.(audio and video too)
But i've see that when the gk1 open tcp to the gk2, the log show:
Connect to from
I read in the manual this words:
"Note to make proxy work, the gatekeeper must have direct connection to
both networks of the caller
and callee."
So,I want to ask you, do you knows if is possible my configuration?
PS: i made my test only with the 2.2.3 version of gnugk, tomorrow i'm
trying with 2.0.9 version.
I'm attaching my two gatekeeper.ini files.
Thank you,stewart.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart Nelson" <sn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: 2 gnu gatekeepers working as neighbors
I assume that the :0 means that gk1 was trying to connect to
port 0, which was rejected by the OS. Use ethereal or the
trace to see if the correct call signal address and port
(that of gk2) is in the LCF. That should at least tell
you which end the trouble is at.
Make sure that Telephony service is not running, and that
Windows firewall or other software firewall is not
butchering the packets.
You should also check that gk2 is actually listening
on its public IP; I couldn't connect to
port 1720 or port 1721. Of course, that may be because
of a firewall, it's on a non-standard port,
or gk2 wasn't running when I wrote this.
----- Original Message -----
From: "-Luca-" <noceluca@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 2:59 AM
Subject: 2 gnu gatekeepers working as neighbors
Hi all,
I'm trying to make calls from 2 client registered at two different
| Lan 1 | | Lan 2
| | |
| (client1) ------> (gk1) <------> gk2 <----- (clientt2) |
| | |
| | |
Both gatekeepers have a public ip address and work in full proxy
mode(h225 routed + proxy enable).
Both clients have private ip address.
When client1 try calling client 2, gk1 sends a LRQ message to gk2, and
gk2 reply with LCF.
Then gk1 must forward setup message (sent from client1) to gk2...
therefore gk1 try to open a tcp
connection to gk2,
at this point the gk1 log show this error:
could not open/connect socket at - WIN32 error 10049
Does anyone knows what it's means?... or anyone that has already did a
similar configuration?
Thanks a lot.
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