Hi, I have just compiled gnugk 2.2.2 with pwlib 1.5.3 When I try to run it it's giving me following error ///error WARNING: No config file found! - Does the config file exist? The default (~/.pwlib_config/Gatekeeper.ini or gatekeeper.ini in current directory) or the one given with -c? - Did you specify they the right 'Main' section with -s? - Is the line 'Fourtytwo=42' present in this 'Main' section? ///error I am using gnugk since last 3 years. I have tried most of the versions. This is the first time I am getting this error. In gk-2.2.2 I am seeing gkconfig.h and gkconfig.cxx added which were not there in version 2.2.0 Is there any changes have been made to GkConfig. I am providing the right ini file with -c option, Fourtytwo=42 is present in the Main section of this gk file. I have also tried giving the Main section with -s parameter Any clues? Regards, Prashant, Trikon Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Mob: 9821321280 Off: 91-22-24216325 Things are more like they used to be than they are now.