i am using gnugk for a long time and i have never seen such a problem with stability, gnu is 2.2.0 working in proxy mode on vlan interfaces with just a few clients. Sometimes after ARQ arrives it just stops working the only solution is to kill the gnugk processes. It always looks the same, after some random arq. Gnugk runs on sparc and debian, the system itself is very stable.
Does anybody has any idea??
here is log output:
admissionRequest {
requestSeqNum = 31082
callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
endpointIdentifier = 13 characters {
xxxx }
destinationInfo = 1 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "0"
srcInfo = 2 entries {
[0]=h323_ID 4 characters {
[1]=dialedDigits "xxxxxx"
srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
x x x x x
port = 1720
bandWidth = 1280
callReferenceValue = 22704
conferenceID = 16 octets {
02 b2 1e 4e 62 8d 1c cf 24 4b 00 01 a8 01 47 16 ...Nb...$K....G.
activeMC = FALSE
answerCall = FALSE
canMapAlias = TRUE
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
02 b2 1e 4e 62 8d 1c cf 24 4a 00 01 a8 01 47 16 ...Nb...$J....G.
gatekeeperIdentifier = 13 characters {
xxxx }
tokens = 1 entries {
tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.
timeStamp = 1000019095
challenge = 16 octets {
37 4d 4b 98 9c c0 4b 4c ab de 8d 0a f4 7e 4b 60 7MK...KL.....~K`
random = 95
generalID = 4 characters {
cryptoTokens = 1 entries {
[0]=cryptoEPPwdHash {
alias = h323_ID 4 characters {
timeStamp = 1000019095
token = {
algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113549.2.5
paramS = {
hash = Hex: 55 22 cc 64 9f 22 0e ef db af f8 7f f8 d5 5a 52
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
<!!!! DEAD !!!!>
2005/04/13 14:31:16.012 2 singleton.cxx(28) Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2005/04/13 14:31:16.047 4 Toolkit.cxx(113) InterfaceTable: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-01-02-F6-1C-59> (eth1)
x.x.x.x <08-00-20-D9-0D-F3> (vlan0102)
x.x.x.x <08-00-20-D9-0D-F3> (vlan0125)
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