Make sure you're running signaling routed mode and the subnet you specified is the one signalling comes from. Also, you can always examine the gatekeeper log to see what's going on.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Ditum" <mrskensington@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:16 PM
I sent an email a month ago asking how to rewrite the callers id and was told that the functionality I needed was currently being worked on.
The original post can be found at
The endpoint is currently set up as 1009 and I would like it to be rewritten to 62951003.
Ultimately I would like to be able to append 6295 to every endpoint but for now I'll be happy getting it to work for one.
Since that email I have noticed that a RewriteCLI section has been added to cvs. I've had a look at the docs and it seems to do what I want. However I haven't been able to get it to do what I expect it to do.
I added the following to my gatekeeper.ini
[RewriteCLI] in:
expecting that any endpoint that makes a phone call to anyone would have its caller id changed to 62951003
However when 1009 rings 1003 it openphone is saying its 1009 ringing rather than 62951009
am i understanding the use of RewriteCLI or have I got the syntax wrong?
Thanks in a advance for any help!
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