How I use password?

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How does [MySQLPasswordAuth] work?

my Getkeeper.ini



PrefixAuth = required;ARQ,RRQ

;AliasAuth = sufficient;RRQ




















;Query=SELECT h235password FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND active














;Query=SELECT aliasauthcondition FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND active


my proplem is:

when i use [MySQLPasswordAuth] then all enpoint registrator whith gnugk will be security denial (can't connect with gatekeeper),

but when i comment this section [MySQLPasswordAuth] all enpoint registrato successfull

users table:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 35 to server version: 4.1.7-nt

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use testdata;
Database changed
mysql> select * from user;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'testdata.user' doesn't exist
mysql> select * from users;
| id | username         | h235password | aliasauthcondition | alias  | active |
|  1 | nguyen tien hai  | haicnt       | allow              | THM    |      1 |
|  2 | thach nguyen dac | 234232       | allow              | Admin1 |      1 |
|  3 | ipphone          | h235pass word | allow              | 604    |      1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

dubug level 7:

    keepAlive = TRUE
    endpointIdentifier =  12 characters {
      0034 0033 0033 0035 005f 0053 006f 0064   4335_Sod
      0069 004e 0065 0074                       iNet
    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
2005/03/25 11:14:21.581 5             RasSrv.cxx(217)   RAS     Sent Successful
2005/03/25 11:14:21.621 5           yasocket.cxx(699)   RasServer 1 sockets sele
cted from 3, total 3/0
2005/03/25 11:14:21.621 4             RasSrv.cxx(183)   RAS     Receiving on 10.
2005/03/25 11:14:21.621 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from 203.16
2005/03/25 11:14:21.621 3             RasSrv.cxx(191)   RAS
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 30
    protocolIdentifier =
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          cb a2 09 1a                                        ....
        port = 1721
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0048 0041 0049 0043 004e 0054             HAICNT
      [1]=dialedDigits "288886"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0053 006f 0064 0069 004e 0065 0074        SodiNet
    endpointIdentifier =  12 characters {
      0034 0033 0033 0035 005f 0053 006f 0064   4335_Sod
      0069 004e 0065 0074                       iNet
    timeToLive = 60
    willRespondToIRR = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2005/03/25 11:14:21.631 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped RCF
2005/03/25 11:14:24.294 5           yasocket.cxx(699)   RasServer 1 sockets sele
cted from 3, total 3/0
2005/03/25 11:14:24.294 4             RasSrv.cxx(183)   RAS     Receiving on 10.
2005/03/25 11:14:24.294 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from 10.0.0
2005/03/25 11:14:24.294 3             RasSrv.cxx(191)   RAS
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 6974
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 181
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 18247
        productId =  23 octets {
          31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
          74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
        versionId =  22 octets {
          31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
          74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0036 0030 0034                            604
      [1]=dialedDigits "603"
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 181
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 18247
      productId =  23 octets {
        31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
        74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
      versionId =  22 octets {
        31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
        74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
    timeToLive = 300
    keepAlive = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  8 characters {
      0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0070   8150_enp
    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2005/03/25 11:14:24.325 5                job.cxx(360)   JOB     Worker threads:
7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle
2005/03/25 11:14:24.325 5                job.cxx(188)   JOB     Starting Job RRQ
 at Worker thread 1020
2005/03/25 11:14:24.325 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     RRQ Received
2005/03/25 11:14:24.325 1             gkauth.cxx(1351)  modul 3
2005/03/25 11:14:24.325 1             gkauth.cxx(1356)  near modul 3{
    requestSeqNum = 6974
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 181
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 18247
        productId =  23 octets {
          31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
          74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
        versionId =  22 octets {
          31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
          74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0036 0030 0034                            604
      [1]=dialedDigits "603"
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 181
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 18247
      productId =  23 octets {
        31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
        74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
      versionId =  22 octets {
        31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
        74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
    timeToLive = 300
    keepAlive = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  8 characters {
      0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0070   8150_enp
    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2005/03/25 11:14:24.355 1             gkauth.cxx(1151)  looking request: {
    requestSeqNum = 6974
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 00 00 fd                                        ....
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 181
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 18247
        productId =  23 octets {
          31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
          74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
        versionId =  22 octets {
          31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
          74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
      termi nal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0036 0030 0034                            604
      [1]=dialedDigits "603"
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 181
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 18247
      productI d =  23 octets {
        31 3b 74 70 33 31 30 30  3b 30 78 61 30 3b 6e 65   1;tp3100;0xa0;ne
        74 6d 6f 64 65 3a 32                               tmode:2
      versionId =  22 octets {
        31 3b 61 70 70 3a 34 2e  32 44 2d 36 3b 62 6f 6f   1;app:4.2D-6;boo
        74 3a 32 2e 30 37                                  t:2.07
    timeT oLive = 300
    keepAlive = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  8 characters {
      0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0070   8150_enp
    willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2005/03/25 11:14:24.375 3             gkauth.cxx(1159)  GKAUTH  MySQLPasswordAut
h RRQ check failed
2005/03/25 11:14:24.375 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   RRJ||604:h323_
2005/03/25 11:14:24.375 6           yasocket.cxx(610) 70 bytes
2005/03/25 11:14:24.385 3             RasSrv.cxx(203) &nbs p; RAS     Send to
registrationReject {
    requestSeqNum = 6974
    protocolIdentifier =
    rejectReason = securityDenial <<null>>
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  3 characters {
      0039 0030 0030                            900
2005/03/25 11:14:24.385 5             RasSrv.cxx(217)   RAS     Sent Successful
2005/03/25 11:14:24.385 5                job.cxx(423)   JOB     Job RRQ deleted
2005/03/25 11:14:24.385 5                job.cxx(412)   JOB     Worker threads:
7 total - 6 busy, 1 idle
2005/03/25 11:14:43.442 5           yasocket.cxx(699)   GkStatus 1 sockets selec
ted from 1, total 1/0
2005/03/25 11:14:43.482 6           yasocket.cxx(610) 2 bytes s
2005/03/25 11:14:43.492 5                job.cxx(188)   JOB     Starting Job Sta
tusCmd debug trc 0 at Worker thread 1020
2005/03/25 11:14:43.492 5           GkStatus.cxx(1014)  STATUS  Got command debu
g trc 0 from client
2005/03/25 11:14:43.492 5                job.cxx(360)   JOB     Worker threads:
7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle


please help me

Best regards!

Nguyen Tien Hai

235 Doi Can- Ba Dinh- Ha Noi City

084 (04) 7221111


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