Him I am trying to setup an H.323 network as shown below EP1<--->GK3<--->GK1<--->GK2<---->EP2 For GK1 and GK3 Iam using GnuGK and a 3rd party gatekeeper is being used for GK2 I have interoperated between GnuGK and the other gatekeeper and it seems to be working fine. Let me point out that GK1 has two network cards both running on different subnets. Therefore I have to run this GK in proxy mode, proxying everything from signaling to voice. So once the signaling is through RTP should flow between EP1 and GK1 and between GK1 and EP2. Whenever I make a call from EP1 to EP2 the signaling is successful but the RTP is always broken. On taking etheral traces and doing a RTP analysis I see a lot of RTP packets being dropped. On further investigation I found that GK1 was adevertising the same port (10,000) to both EP1 and EP2 (The network addresses were obviously different). I am not sure but I think this might be causing the problem since the RTPProxy would be confused whether to read or write data from the port resulting in dropped packets. Iam not an expert with GnuGK and I would really appreciate if someone can help me out with this problem. For reference I am sending the ini file for GK1. Tell me if you see any problems [Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=GK1 [RasSrv::Neighbors] GK2=CiscoGK GK3=GnuGK [Neighbor::GK2] GatekeeperIdentifier=GK2 Host= SendPrefixes=89 AcceptPrefixes= * ForwardLRQ= always ForwardResponse=1 [Neighbor::GK3] GatekeeperIdentifier=GK3 Host= SendPrefixes= 88 AcceptPrefixes= * RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 AcceptNeighborsCalls=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 CallSignalPort=1719 [Proxy] Enable=1 RtpHandlerNumber=1 ProxyForNAT=1 RTPPortRange=16000-17000 GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow [Gatekeeper::Auth] default=allow Regards, Danish -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm ------------------------------------------------------- SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide Read honest & candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users. Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_ide95&alloc_id396&opÌk _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id?49 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/