Hi Aivis,
well, actually it is already in the cvs. Check the revision of your radauth.cxx file. It should be 1.29 or newer.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Aivis Olsteins" <aivis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 3:53 PM
waiting for cvs to update to test.
Best regards, Aivis mailto:aivis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ZM> I corrected this error recently, but it seems that I forgot ZM> to commit the patch;) The correct behaviour will be to use ZM> an endpoint signaling address (if it is registered with the gk) ZM> or a peer soocket IP:port.
ZM> ----- Original Message ----- ZM> From: "Aivis Olsteins" <aivis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ZM> Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 3:27 PM
just testing latest 2.2.2 from CVS and found a case where gnugk was unable to setup framed-ip-address (possibly to due bug in originating device), however 2.0.8 seemed to be ok.
trace below shows that obviously "sourceCallSignalAddress" entry does not exist in call setup message. The question is how 2.0.x handled this? Did it just use IP address which sent Call Setup?
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