I have been trying to have a GNUgk 2.2.1 operate as a peripheral gatekeeper to a Directory Gatekeeper Hierarchy.
I would like the GNUgk (B) to only be aware of the Directory Gatekeeper (A) and none of the other gatekeepers (C) participating in the hierarchy.
Here is the diagram: gk-A ___|______ | | GNUgk-B gk-C ...
Whenever (B) LRQs the directory gatekeeper (A), it may receive LCFs either from (A) or from other gatekeepers like (C), which are not necessarily defined as neighbours in (B).
LCFs returned by (A) are handled OK on GNUgk, since (A) is defined as a neighbour, but LCFs returned by (C) are blocked ("Trapped"), with the following error log:
2005/01/26 17:06:27.610 2 RasSrv.cxx(1240)RAS Trapped LCF 2005/01/26 17:06:27.610 1 Neighbor.cxx(639)RAS Unknown reply LCF 2005/01/26 17:06:30.617 2 RasSrv.cxx(168)RAS Read from
This behaviour seems to make it very difficult for GNUgk 2.2.1 to participate in directory gatekeeper hierarchies. This was not the case with GNUgk v.2.0.8.
Is there a configuration directive to allow the GNUgk to accept all LRQ/LCFs from any gatekeeper, whether a neighbour or not?
I have been offered a patch to the code that will prevent this check from taking effect, but I would prefer a clean solution, through the config file.
All help is appreciated. Regards. Dimitris Daskopoulos GRNET/RTS
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