Take a look at SqlBill ChangeLog file. This issue has been fixed a month ago. ----- Original Message ----- From: <romal@xxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:22 PM > Hello openh323gk-users, > > I change postgresql.conf like this > sql_user_name = "%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name:-none}}" > > But now i can't auth incoming calls by framedip like this > > Fri Jan 21 19:46:31 2005 : Auth: Login incorrect: [xx.xx.xx.xx/allow] > (from cli > ent OpenH323GK port 0) > > Fri Jan 21 19:46:31 2005 > User-Name = "xx.xx.xx.xx" > NAS-IP-Address = > NAS-Identifier = "OpenH323GK" > NAS-Port-Type = Virtual > Service-Type = Login-User > Framed-IP-Address = xx.xx.xx.xx > Called-Station-Id = "71234555555" > Client-IP-Address = > Timestamp = 1106325991 > > sqlbill execute following query > > radius_get_check_attrs > > NULLIF('%{Calling-Station-Id}',''), > > if like this we have Reject > > voipdb=# SELECT * FROM radius_get_check_arq_attrs('xx.xx.xx.xx', > 'xx.xx.xx.xx', FALSE, null, '71234555555'); > id | attrname | attrvalue | attrop > ----+-----------+-----------+-------- > 0 | Auth-Type | Reject | := > (1 запись) > > if like this, all fine > > voipdb=# SELECT * FROM radius_get_check_arq_attrs('xx.xx.xx.xx', > 'xx.xx.xx.xx', FALSE, '', '71234555555'); > id | attrname | attrvalue | attrop > ----+---------------+-----------+-------- > 0 | User-Password | allow | == > (1 запись) > > -- build a list of RADIUS check attribute-value pairs for endpoint call > admission request > -- $1 - User-Name > -- $2 - Framed-IP-Address > -- $3 - TRUE - the call is being answered, FALSE - the call is originated > -- $4 - calling station id > -- $5 - called station id > > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION radius_get_check_arq_attrs(TEXT, INET, BOOLEAN, > TEXT, TEXT) > RETURNS SETOF voipradattr AS > ' > DECLARE > framed_ip ALIAS FOR $2; > answer_call ALIAS FOR $3; > username TEXT; > calling_station_id TEXT; > called_station_id TEXT; > reject_attr voipradattr%ROWTYPE; > check_attr voipradattr%ROWTYPE; > query_result RECORD; > trf voiptariff%ROWTYPE; > userid INT; > BEGIN > RAISE LOG ''sqlbill: ARQ(username: %; IP: %; answer: %; calling: %; > called: %)'', $1, $2, > $3, $4, $5; > > -- prepare Auth-Type := Reject avp, as it is referenced very often > reject_attr.id := 0; > reject_attr.attrname := ''Auth-Type''; > reject_attr.attrvalue := ''Reject''; > reject_attr.attrop := '':=''; > > -- check input arguments > IF $1 IS NULL OR $2 IS NULL OR $3 IS NULL OR $4 IS NULL OR $5 IS > NULL THEN > -- there we have Reject > RETURN NEXT reject_attr; > RETURN; > END IF; > > > > How i can resolve this problem? > > -- > Best regards, > romal mailto:romal@xxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc. Download a FREE copy at http://www.intelliview.com/go/osdn_nl _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id…49 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/