Hello List I am rewriting E164 with a prexif that is reuiered by my service provider some call are OK but for some reazon sometimes GNUGK puts #### (4 HASHES) between the prefix and E164 Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.1) Build(Dec 16 2004, 15:01:24 do you think with a update this may be fixed the strange thing is that not allways is this issue. Note: in this copy paste IPs are replaced for security. prefix is changed for 7777 [RasSrv::RewriteE164] 01=52 001=1 00= 044=777701152 [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164] GW1=out=52=777701152 GW1=out=1=77771 GW1=out=*=7777011 [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] GW1=52,777701152,1 [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]; Any Comments? regards Humberto ------------------------------------------------------- The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues Get a FREE limited edition SourceForge.net t-shirt from ThinkGeek. It's fun and FREE -- well, almost....http://www.thinkgeek.com/sfshirt _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/