Re: Planet VIP-101T & Proxy

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> Hi all,
>    Previously I have asked about gnugk as a proxy server. After I will to
> deal with two Windows Netmeeting client with either one NATed, it works
> prefectly. But if one of the side using the phone, it didn't work. So i am
> suspecting this Planet VIP-101T support proxy or not. Anyone comes up with
> any idea? Thanks!
> Yours sincerely,
> Jason Chan

Hi Jason,

Don't give up on the Planet yet.  A phone (or other endpoint) does not need
to "support" a proxy.  The whole idea of a proxy is that it appears as an
endpoint to the calling phone.  When the phone makes a call through a
proxy GK, *all* communication sent and received by the phone should be
with the GK.  The phone should not even be able to tell that it is not talking
to a normal endpoint.

Some endpoints implement various schemes to deal with NAT, and these
sometimes conflict with gnugk.  Try turning off any NAT or STUN features
in the phone.

If that doesn't help, use Ethereal on the interface to see
where the phone is told to send to a public IP address.  It seems
likely that this is happening, because the behavior changed when
you set a router address in the phone.  If all packets from the phone
were destined for, then the router address would not
have mattered.



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