Right, but with [] syntax, we need to parse prefix strings and calculate their length/compare with other strings in a special way. For now, I'll add something like:
! - to disable prefix (like !0048) . - to match any character
We'll see how it works and later (when I have more time) we can extend this format with [].
----- Original Message ----- From: "Teodor Georgiev" <t.georgiev@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:24 PM
On Wednesday 15 December 2004 17:14, Zygmuntowicz Michal wrote:The regular expressions make the longest prefix match difficult. We sort all prefixes by their length and then select the longest matching. With arbitrary regexps this is a problem to decide, what "the longest" match means. But maybe we can have something simple, like: 0-9 - match exact digit . - match any digit, # or * # - match # * - match *
With this, there is no problem with the longest match.
Cisco's dial-peer patterns are also based on the longest match. Maybe something simple can be used like 003[3-5].. Or 004[!1-7].....
This won't violate the routing logic by the longest match.
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