Obviously the problem is not with the gatekeeper, but with the originating/terminating equipment and the incorrect configuration/buggy firmware.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Teodor Georgiev" <teodor@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 3:34 PM
Do you mean that maybe GnuGK is "rewriting" the Q.931 conversation by sending
a "SETUP-ACK" message to the originating Quintum, whilst the terminating
Quintum indeed has not sent that message ??
On Thursday 09 December 2004 16:17, mhayden wrote:Again for the benefit of the list:
The incoming message is a Setup-Ack but it is missing valid information in
the H323-Message-Body.
The "DisplayIE" indicates it is coming from another Quintum, problem is Quintum's do not send SETUP-ACK over IP, they do send CallProceeding however.
So logic tells me the GnuGK is in between the 2 GW's and it is GKRouting (Proxying) the messages between the two.
Ways to prove this out:
1. Have termination GW send a call directly to your A800 (via Static Route)
and remove the GnuGK completely.
2. Sniff (w/Ethereal) on both sides of the GnuGK to see what the term side
Quintum actually sends and verify that the GnuGK is changing this.
3. Set the GnuGK to GKRouting=0 and retest that way.
I will see about making sure more adequate checking is done to verify that
H323-Message-Body is missing/mis-encoded.
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