Hi Jan,
Can you please for God sake help out on the libs versions (pwlib and openh323)
for the compilation of gnugk-2.2.0 in redhat linux 90.
Kindly respond, I know I have outstep my boundaries by copying Jan
Though I still have my gnugk-2.0.8 running well without problem.
Quoting Kompnet <kompnet@xxxxxxxxx>:
libpq - one from PostgeSQL libs.
On Thursday 21 August 2003 05:08, Support wrote:
I'm trying to run gnugk version2.2 but I get this error message when I run
the command : ./gnugk
gnugk: error while loading shared libraries: libpq.so.3: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
Please where can I get libpq and into wich directory should I install it ?
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