Hi all, I'm currently using GNUGK 2.0.8 with very few problems, yet I'm facing a few challenges of which I need some help with. 1) Every time I add/change/remove a permanent endpoint in the list, the list would refreshes itself and delete appropriate endpoints. I'm wondering if there were to be calls going to this endpoint while I wish to take it off the list, is there anyway to keep all on going calls until it engage in a CALL COMPLETE while the endpoint itself is removed from the list once the list gets refreshed?? If this works, I won't have to drop any calls going to this gateway, affecting calls in progress. 2) I understand GNUGK require some sort of patches before it can support Max calls per endpoints. (But if some of you have a fix/patch for this already, I would really appreciate a help hand with this) Is there a way I may specify Max call per GK?!?? Meaning I would drop calls once I receive a specified amount of calls. Better yet, can I specify/control the amount of calls originate from a certain IP?!? PS: I understand that using "RedirectGK" can achieve this with another GK standing by, buy what if I don't need it to be redirected to another GK?? I simply want to reject all incoming calls after it reaches a specified amount of calls? Thanks for any help!!! ------------------------------------------------- This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/ ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more http://productguide.itmanagersjournal.com/guidepromo.tmpl _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/