Re: GWRewriteE164 IN

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Ian, look for my comments.

On Thursday 16 September 2004 12:20, Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello Igor,
> 	As I understand you are presently trying to take a call in from
> KOMPNET and send it back to KOMPNET - if so, never tried this! Not sure
> exactly what will happen - but we can debug the situation further by
> turning on the logging and watching exactly what is in the Setup messages -
> if you could do this with -ttttt that would be good and then post it here.

Yes, log of two calls (1-st for IN rule, 2-nd for OUT rule) and ini-file  are 
in attachment.

> Another useful tool would be Ethereal to see exactly what the contents of
> the Q931 and H225 sections of the Setup actually have in them when they
> arrive.

Can't understand how can it help you in this simle situation. All required 
information is in logfile.

> As far as the output rule stuff goes that is working as designed, the
> sequence of processing is as follows:
> 1. Process Inbound Rules for KOMPNET (1234#78632 -> 1234#78632)

But why??? The rule is (for incoming call) 1234#78632 ->5678#78632.

> 2. Process Global Rules (1234#78632 -> 1234#78632)
> 3. Select Call Route (1234#78632 select permanent endpoint KOMPNET)
> 4. Process Outbound Rules for KOMPNET (1234#78632 -> 5678#78632 )
> So that is ok, I think what you are missing is that route selection is
> performed at 3.
> For the config file stuff I'm not aware of a limit on how long the lines
> are, perhaps someone who knows Pwlib could answer that?
> Regards,
> Ian Campbell
> Band-X Ltd.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kompnet [mailto:kompnet@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 16 September 2004 07:35
> To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re:  GWRewriteE164 IN
> Ian, rules for 'in' gw-rewriting everyone do not work.
> And it is not clear, in what sequence rules for rewriting from different
> sectons are applied.
> I've tried this config:
> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
> [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164]
> KOMPNET=in=1234#=5678#
> [RasSrv::RewriteE164]
> 5678#=0022#
> The call comes from "KOMPNET" with a prefix 1234#78632.
> In the documentation it is told, that the first apply input per-GW rules,
> then
> global rules, and at last output per-GW rules.
> I want to exchange prefix first from 1234#78632 to 5678#, then from
> 5678#78632
> to 0022#78632 (global rule), and at last I want to send Setup with prefix
> 0022#78632 to KOMPNET.
> But in reality gnugk matches call with the alias KOMPNET and places call to
> KOMPNET with prefix 1234#78632.
> On the other hand, if the output rule is configured and there isn't input
> rules at all
> [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164]
> KOMPNET=out=1234#=5678#
> then gnugk rewrites prefix from 1234#78632 to 5678#78632 and sends Setup to
> KOMPNET with prefix 5678#78632. But why to KOMPNET? This prefix corresponds
> with another alis with prefix 5.
> I can't understand anything.
> On Wednesday 15 September 2004 16:27, Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Igor,
> > 	Sorry for the confusion on the syntax - originally this worked the
> > way you had it - but the Win32 version of Pwlib parses the multiple lines
> > incorrectly. So I switched to the semicolon seperated version.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ian Campbell
> > Band-X Ltd.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kompnet [mailto:kompnet@xxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: 15 September 2004 13:10
> > To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re:  GWRewriteE164 IN
> >
> >
> > Thank you, Ian
> > The problem was in misunderstanding of syntax.
> > It was
> > [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164]
> > test=out=00#=0022#
> > TTT1=out=1234#7863=1757#8863
> > TTT1=out=1234#380=1757#380
> >
> > When I've changed config to
> > TTT1=out=1234#7863=1757#8863;out=1234#380=1757#380
> > all has risen on the places.
> >
> > On Wednesday 15 September 2004 14:57, Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > > Igor,
> > > 	As Rafat has said this should be trivial to configure, here is a
> > > brief example for a permanent endpoint:
> > >
> > > [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
> > > x.x.x.x:1720=gw-a;33				<---- configure
> x.x.x.x as
> > > gw-a send prefix 33 to it
> > >
> > > [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164]
> > > gw-a=out=33=44;in==33			<---- define rules for gw-a
> > > rewriting for outbound calls map 33 to 44 and stick 33 on the front of
> > > the number on inbound calls.
> > >
> > > I just saw your most recent email - what exactly is the problem you are
> > > experiencing at the moment? If you can let me have the configuration
> file
> > > for it I can provide more assistance.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Ian Campbell
> > > Band-X Ltd.
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Kompnet [mailto:kompnet@xxxxxxxxx]
> > > Sent: 15 September 2004 09:01
> > > To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > Subject:  GWRewriteE164 IN
> > >
> > >
> > > Whether probably to apply IN per-GW E164-rewriting in case of use of
> > > permanent
> > > endpoints and simple Q931 Setup?
> > > If so, which configuration must be used?
> > > How to bind  in [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] or in anothrer section the
> > > incoming prefix to the GW from which there comes a call?
> > > I can only apply OUT per-GW rewriting.

Best regards,
Igor Prokhorov
2004/09/16 13:52:02.468	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.469	5	     Toolkit.cxx(592)	Try name /tmp/gnugk.ini-3303
2004/09/16 13:52:02.477	4	     Toolkit.cxx(113)	InterfaceTable: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-60-97-9F-ED-3D> (eth1) <00-50-56-C0-00-08> (vmnet8)

2004/09/16 13:52:02.478	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:52:02.479	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:52:02.479	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:52:02.479	2	     Toolkit.cxx(84)	Default IP=
2004/09/16 13:52:02.480	2	     Toolkit.cxx(156)	GK	H.323 Proxy enabled
2004/09/16 13:52:02.481	2	     Toolkit.cxx(168)	GK	Internal Network 0 =
2004/09/16 13:52:02.482	2	     Toolkit.cxx(399)	GK	Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2004/09/16 13:52:02.482	3	     Toolkit.cxx(410)	GK	KOMPNET (in): 1234# = 5678#
2004/09/16 13:52:02.482	2	     Toolkit.cxx(420)	GK	Loaded 1 GW entries with rewrite info
2004/09/16 13:52:02.484	1	          gk.cxx(470)	OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'KompnetGK-2.2.5b' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2beta5) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,large_fdset=32768) Build(Aug 29 2004, 11:40:52) Sys(Linux i686 2.4.20-30.7asp)

2004/09/16 13:52:02.485	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: CallTable(2)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.485	2	          gk.cxx(508)	GK	TimeToLive for Registrations: -1
2004/09/16 13:52:02.485	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: RasServer(3)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.486	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(77)	RTPPortRange: 10100-65000
2004/09/16 13:52:02.486	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: Agent(4)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.513	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:52:02.567	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 2051 started
2004/09/16 13:52:02.567	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(0) at Worker thread 2051
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	3	    yasocket.cxx(758)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	2	      RasSrv.cxx(683)	GK	Using Routed Signalling
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	2	      RasSrv.cxx(684)	GK	H.245 Routed Enabled
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: GkStatus(5)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.568	1	    GkStatus.cxx(439)	STATUS	Large fd_set(32768) enabled
2004/09/16 13:52:02.569	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 3076 started
2004/09/16 13:52:02.569	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyRTP(0) at Worker thread 3076
2004/09/16 13:52:02.569	3	    yasocket.cxx(758)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2004/09/16 13:52:02.569	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:52:02.569	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: RegistrationTable(6)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.576	1	      RasTbl.cxx(63)	New EP||KOMPNET:h323_ID|gateway|7209_endp

2004/09/16 13:52:02.577	2	      RasTbl.cxx(1085)	Add permanent endpoint
2004/09/16 13:52:02.578	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 4101 started
2004/09/16 13:52:02.578	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job GkStatus at Worker thread 4101
2004/09/16 13:52:02.579	3	    yasocket.cxx(758)	GkStatus waiting...
2004/09/16 13:52:02.580	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 4 total - 4 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:52:02.581	2	      RasSrv.cxx(720)	GK	Home =,,
2004/09/16 13:52:02.581	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.581	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 1
2004/09/16 13:52:02.583	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.583	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 2
2004/09/16 13:52:02.583	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.583	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 1
2004/09/16 13:52:02.584	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.612	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 5126 started
2004/09/16 13:52:02.612	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 2
2004/09/16 13:52:02.613	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job TCPServer at Worker thread 5126
2004/09/16 13:52:02.613	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.613	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 3
2004/09/16 13:52:02.614	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.614	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 3
2004/09/16 13:52:02.614	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.614	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 4
2004/09/16 13:52:02.615	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.615	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 4
2004/09/16 13:52:02.616	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.616	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 5
2004/09/16 13:52:02.616	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.616	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 5
2004/09/16 13:52:02.617	1	      RasSrv.cxx(471)	Listening to
2004/09/16 13:52:02.617	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	TCPServer total sockets 6
2004/09/16 13:52:02.617	1	      RasSrv.cxx(779)	RAS	Add broadcast listener
2004/09/16 13:52:02.617	5	    yasocket.cxx(670)	RasServer total sockets 6
2004/09/16 13:52:02.618	1	      gkauth.cxx(325)	GKAUTH	default rule added to check RAS: ARQ BRQ DRQ GRQ IRQ LRQ RRQ URQ, OTHER: SETUP SETUPUNREG
2004/09/16 13:52:02.618	4	      gkauth.cxx(1056)	GKAUTH	H.235 security is not active or conflicting H.235 capabilities are active - GCF will not select any particular capability
2004/09/16 13:52:02.618	1	      gkacct.cxx(179)	GKACCT	Created module FileAcct with event mask FFFFFFFF
2004/09/16 13:52:02.619	2	      gkacct.cxx(403)	GKACCT	FileAcct CDR file: /var/log/gnugk/cdr_plain.log
2004/09/16 13:52:02.620	1	      gkacct.cxx(179)	GKACCT	Created module default with event mask FFFFFFFF
2004/09/16 13:52:02.620	2	     Routing.cxx(451)	VQueue	(CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
2004/09/16 13:52:02.620	2	   singleton.cxx(28)	Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(7)
2004/09/16 13:52:02.621	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	default logged event 8
2004/09/16 13:52:02.621	2	      gkacct.cxx(936)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 8
2004/09/16 13:52:02.622	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:52:02.622	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 6151 started
2004/09/16 13:52:02.622	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 6151
2004/09/16 13:55:12.799	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	TCPServer 1 sockets selected from 6, total 6/0
2004/09/16 13:55:12.799	4	    yasocket.cxx(805)	TCP	Accept request on
2004/09/16 13:55:12.800	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:55:12.800	5	         job.cxx(169)	JOB	Worker 7176 started
2004/09/16 13:55:12.800	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 7176
2004/09/16 13:55:12.806	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.806	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931s	Received: Setup CRV=958 from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.820	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 958
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      90 90 a3                                           ...
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      80 39 30 34 34 33 36                               .904436
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 31 32 33 34 23 37 38  36 33 32 33 34 37 36 31   .1234#7863234761
      31                                                 1
    IE: User-User = {
      20 a0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 07 00 6b 00 6f    .....J...@..k.o
      00 6d 00 70 00 2d 00 6e  00 65 00 74 28 00 b5 00   .m.p.-.n.e.t(...
      00 12 40 01 38 00 56 43  91 dc 06 fd 11 d9 8c c9   ..@.8.VC........
      bf d6 39 0b cb d5 00 cd  1d 82 00 07 00 c0 a8 6e   ..9............n
      e0 2e d3 11 00 47 a1 38  d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf   .....G.8........
      d6 39 0b cb d5 32 02 12  00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a   .9...2......@...
      04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0  48 19 1d 40 00 00 06 04   ......n.H..@....
      01 00 4d 40 03 80 11 14  00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0 48   ..M@.........n.H
      18 00 c0 a8 6e e0 48 19  01 00 01 00 01 80 01 80   ....n.H.........
      01 00 10 a0 01 80 13 01  40 b5 00 00 12 0c c0 01   ........@.......
      00 04 80 06 00 04 00 00  00 03                     ..........
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  8 characters {
            006b 006f 006d 0070 002d 006e 0065 0074   komp-net
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 181
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 18
          gateway = {
            protocol = 1 entries {
              [0]=voice {
                supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
          mc = FALSE
          undefinedNode = FALSE
        activeMC = FALSE
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          56 43 91 dc 06 fd 11 d9  8c c9 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   VC..........9...
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          port = 11987
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9  8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   G.8.........9...
        fastStart = 2 entries {
          [0]= 18 octets {
            00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a  04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0   ....@.........n.
            48 19                                              H.
          [1]= 29 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d  40 03 80 11 14 00 01 00   @......M@.......
            c0 a8 6e e0 48 18 00 c0  a8 6e e0 48 19            ..n.H....n.H.
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
        canOverlapSend = FALSE
        multipleCalls = TRUE
        maintainConnection = TRUE
        symmetricOperationRequired = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
      nonStandardControl = 1 entries {
          nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
            t35CountryCode = 181
            t35Extension = 0
            manufacturerCode = 18
          data =  12 octets {
            c0 01 00 04 80 06 00 04  00 00 00 03               ............
2004/09/16 13:55:12.823	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1151)		GWRewrite source: setup H323 ID or E164
2004/09/16 13:55:12.823	3	      gkauth.cxx(1224)	GKAUTH	default Setup check ok
2004/09/16 13:55:12.823	5	       Routing.h(144)	ROUTING	Checking policy Explicit for request Setup CRV=958
2004/09/16 13:55:12.823	5	       Routing.h(144)	ROUTING	Checking policy Internal for request Setup CRV=958
2004/09/16 13:55:12.824	2	      RasTbl.cxx(534)	GK	Gateway 7209_endp match 1234#
2004/09/16 13:55:12.824	4	      RasTbl.cxx(891)	Alias match for GW
2004/09/16 13:55:12.824	5	       Routing.h(150)	ROUTING	Policy Internal applied to the request Setup CRV=958
2004/09/16 13:55:12.825	2	      RasTbl.cxx(1733)	CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.825	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	default logged event 1 for call no. 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.825	2	      gkacct.cxx(936)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.826	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1462)		GWRewrite source: setup H323 ID or E164
2004/09/16 13:55:12.826	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1516)	GK	Call 1 is NAT type 0
2004/09/16 13:55:12.830	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1785)	Q931
fastStart[0] received: {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData g729 4
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18457
2004/09/16 13:55:12.835	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1785)	Q931
fastStart[1] received: {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = nullData <<null>>
      multiplexParameters = none <<null>>
    reverseLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData g729 4
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18456
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18457
2004/09/16 13:55:12.839	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 958
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      90 90 a3                                           ...
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      80 39 30 34 34 33 36                               .904436
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 31 32 33 34 23 37 38  36 33 32 33 34 37 36 31   .1234#7863234761
      31                                                 1
    IE: User-User = {
      20 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 07 00 6b 00 6f    .....J...@..k.o
      00 6d 00 70 00 2d 00 6e  00 65 00 74 28 00 b5 00   .m.p.-.n.e.t(...
      00 12 40 01 3c 05 01 00  00 01 07 80 45 67 0a b9   ..@.<.......Eg..
      65 67 a9 44 00 56 43 91  dc 06 fd 11 d9 8c c9 bf   eg.D.VC.........
      d6 39 0b cb d5 00 8d 1d  82 07 00 c0 a8 6e df 06   .9...........n..
      b8 11 00 47 a1 38 d2 06  fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf d6 39   ...G.8.........9
      0b cb d5 32 02 12 00 00  00 0d 40 03 80 0a 04 00   ...2......@.....
      01 00 c0 a8 6e e0 48 19  1d 40 00 00 06 04 01 00   ....n.H..@......
      4d 40 03 80 11 14 00 01  00 c0 a8 6e e0 48 18 00   M@.........n.H..
      c0 a8 6e e0 48 19 01 00  01 00 01 00 01 00 00 06   ..n.H...........
      a0 01 80 13 01 40 b5 00  00 12 0c c0 01 00 04 80   .....@..........
      06 00 04 00 00 00 03                               .......
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  8 characters {
            006b 006f 006d 0070 002d 006e 0065 0074   komp-net
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 181
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 18
          gateway = {
            protocol = 1 entries {
              [0]=voice {
                supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
          mc = FALSE
          undefinedNode = FALSE
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "1234#78632347611"
        activeMC = FALSE
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          56 43 91 dc 06 fd 11 d9  8c c9 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   VC..........9...
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e df                                        ..n.
          port = 1720
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9  8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   G.8.........9...
        fastStart = 2 entries {
          [0]= 18 octets {
            00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a  04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0   ....@.........n.
            48 19                                              H.
          [1]= 29 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d  40 03 80 11 14 00 01 00   @......M@.......
            c0 a8 6e e0 48 18 00 c0  a8 6e e0 48 19            ..n.H....n.H.
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
        canOverlapSend = FALSE
        multipleCalls = FALSE
        maintainConnection = FALSE
        symmetricOperationRequired = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
      nonStandardControl = 1 entries {
          nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
            t35CountryCode = 181
            t35Extension = 0
            manufacturerCode = 18
          data =  12 octets {
            c0 01 00 04 80 06 00 04  00 00 00 03               ............
2004/09/16 13:55:12.846	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1969)	Q931	Connect to successful
2004/09/16 13:55:12.846	6	    yasocket.cxx(610) 229 bytes sent
2004/09/16 13:55:12.876	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0
2004/09/16 13:55:12.876	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931d	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.877	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931d	Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=958 from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.880	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 958
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Unallocated number = {
      80 81                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 11 00 11 00 47 a1 38   %.....J......G.8
      d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf  d6 39 0b cb d5 10 80 01   .........9......
      80                                                 .
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9  8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   G.8.........9...
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/09/16 13:55:12.880	6	      RasTbl.cxx(1861)	GK	Removing callptr: 47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5
2004/09/16 13:55:12.880	2	      RasTbl.cxx(1904)	CDR	ignore not connected call
2004/09/16 13:55:12.881	5	      gkacct.cxx(598)	GKACCT	FileAcct - CDR string for event 2, call no. 1: CDR|1|47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5|0|unconnected|Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:55:12 +0400|| ||7209_endp|1234#78632347611:dialedDigits|komp-net:h323_ID|KompnetGK-2.2.5b;
2004/09/16 13:55:12.881	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.881	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	default logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.881	2	      gkacct.cxx(936)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/09/16 13:55:12.882	6	    yasocket.cxx(610) 50 bytes sent
2004/09/16 13:55:12.882	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(3302)	ProxyH(0) total sockets 2
2004/09/16 13:55:12.883	5	         job.cxx(423)	JOB	Job Acceptor deleted
2004/09/16 13:55:12.883	5	         job.cxx(410)	JOB	Worker threads: 6 total - 5 busy, 1 idle
2004/09/16 13:55:12.902	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 1, total 0/2
2004/09/16 13:55:12.902	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.902	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931s	Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=958 from
2004/09/16 13:55:12.905	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 958
    from = originator
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Unallocated number = {
      80 81                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 11 00 11 00 47 a1 38   %.....J......G.8
      d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf  d6 39 0b cb d5 10 80 01   .........9......
      80                                                 .
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9  8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5   G.8.........9...
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/09/16 13:55:12.905	6	      RasTbl.cxx(1861)	GK	Removing callptr: 47 a1 38 d2 06 fd 11 d9 8c c8 bf d6 39 0b cb d5
2004/09/16 13:55:12.916	3	    yasocket.cxx(758)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/09/16 13:55:55.927	1	          gk.cxx(266)	GK	Gatekeeper Hangup (signal 1)
2004/09/16 13:55:55.927	1	          gk.cxx(844)	GK	Logging closed (reopen log file)
2004/09/16 13:55:55.928	1	          gk.cxx(873)	GK	Logging restarted
2004/09/16 13:55:55.928	5	     Toolkit.cxx(592)	Try name /tmp/gnugk.ini-8560
2004/09/16 13:55:55.931	4	     Toolkit.cxx(113)	InterfaceTable: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-60-97-9F-ED-3D> (eth1) <00-50-56-C0-00-08> (vmnet8)

2004/09/16 13:55:55.933	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:55:55.933	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:55:55.933	2	     Toolkit.cxx(82)	Network=, IP=
2004/09/16 13:55:55.934	2	     Toolkit.cxx(84)	Default IP=
2004/09/16 13:55:55.934	2	     Toolkit.cxx(156)	GK	H.323 Proxy enabled
2004/09/16 13:55:55.934	2	     Toolkit.cxx(168)	GK	Internal Network 0 =
2004/09/16 13:55:55.936	2	     Toolkit.cxx(399)	GK	Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2004/09/16 13:55:55.936	3	     Toolkit.cxx(415)	GK	KOMPNET (out): 1234# = 5678#
2004/09/16 13:55:55.936	2	     Toolkit.cxx(420)	GK	Loaded 1 GW entries with rewrite info
2004/09/16 13:55:55.942	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(77)	RTPPortRange: 10100-65000
2004/09/16 13:55:55.942	2	      RasSrv.cxx(683)	GK	Using Routed Signalling
2004/09/16 13:55:55.942	2	      RasSrv.cxx(684)	GK	H.245 Routed Enabled
2004/09/16 13:55:55.942	2	      RasSrv.cxx(720)	GK	Home =,,
2004/09/16 13:55:55.943	1	      gkauth.cxx(325)	GKAUTH	default rule added to check RAS: ARQ BRQ DRQ GRQ IRQ LRQ RRQ URQ, OTHER: SETUP SETUPUNREG
2004/09/16 13:55:55.943	4	      gkauth.cxx(1056)	GKAUTH	H.235 security is not active or conflicting H.235 capabilities are active - GCF will not select any particular capability
2004/09/16 13:55:55.943	1	      gkauth.cxx(334)	GKAUTH	default rule removed
2004/09/16 13:55:55.944	1	      gkacct.cxx(186)	GKACCT	Destroyed module FileAcct
2004/09/16 13:55:55.944	1	      gkacct.cxx(186)	GKACCT	Destroyed module default
2004/09/16 13:55:55.944	1	      gkacct.cxx(179)	GKACCT	Created module FileAcct with event mask FFFFFFFF
2004/09/16 13:55:55.945	2	      gkacct.cxx(403)	GKACCT	FileAcct CDR file: /var/log/gnugk/cdr_plain.log
2004/09/16 13:55:55.945	1	      gkacct.cxx(179)	GKACCT	Created module default with event mask FFFFFFFF
2004/09/16 13:55:55.945	2	     Routing.cxx(451)	VQueue	(CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
2004/09/16 13:55:55.946	3	          gk.cxx(167)	GK	Carry on current calls.
2004/09/16 13:56:34.831	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	TCPServer 1 sockets selected from 6, total 6/0
2004/09/16 13:56:34.831	4	    yasocket.cxx(805)	TCP	Accept request on
2004/09/16 13:56:34.831	5	         job.cxx(358)	JOB	Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 13:56:34.832	5	         job.cxx(186)	JOB	Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 7176
2004/09/16 13:56:34.837	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.837	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931s	Received: Setup CRV=959 from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.844	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 959
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      90 90 a3                                           ...
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      80 39 30 34 34 33 36                               .904436
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 31 32 33 34 23 37 38  36 33 32 33 34 37 36 31   .1234#7863234761
      31                                                 1
    IE: User-User = {
      20 a0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 07 00 6b 00 6f    .....J...@..k.o
      00 6d 00 70 00 2d 00 6e  00 65 00 74 28 00 b5 00   .m.p.-.n.e.t(...
      00 12 40 01 38 00 87 28  b2 d6 06 fd 11 d9 8c cd   ..@.8..(........
      bf d6 39 0b cb d5 00 cd  1d 82 00 07 00 c0 a8 6e   ..9............n
      e0 2e d4 11 00 7d ed 6a  5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf   .....}.j_.......
      d6 39 0b cb d5 32 02 12  00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a   .9...2......@...
      04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0  47 5f 1d 40 00 00 06 04   ......n.G_.@....
      01 00 4d 40 03 80 11 14  00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0 47   ..M@.........n.G
      5e 00 c0 a8 6e e0 47 5f  01 00 01 00 01 80 01 80   ^...n.G_........
      01 00 10 a0 01 80 13 01  40 b5 00 00 12 0c c0 01   ........@.......
      00 04 80 06 00 04 00 00  00 03                     ..........
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  8 characters {
            006b 006f 006d 0070 002d 006e 0065 0074   komp-net
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 181
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 18
          gateway = {
            protocol = 1 entries {
              [0]=voice {
                supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
          mc = FALSE
          undefinedNode = FALSE
        activeMC = FALSE
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          87 28 b2 d6 06 fd 11 d9  8c cd bf d6 39 0b cb d5   .(..........9...
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          port = 11988
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9  8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5   }.j_........9...
        fastStart = 2 entries {
          [0]= 18 octets {
            00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a  04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0   ....@.........n.
            47 5f                                              G_
          [1]= 29 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d  40 03 80 11 14 00 01 00   @......M@.......
            c0 a8 6e e0 47 5e 00 c0  a8 6e e0 47 5f            ..n.G^...n.G_
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
        canOverlapSend = FALSE
        multipleCalls = TRUE
        maintainConnection = TRUE
        symmetricOperationRequired = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
      nonStandardControl = 1 entries {
          nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
            t35CountryCode = 181
            t35Extension = 0
            manufacturerCode = 18
          data =  12 octets {
            c0 01 00 04 80 06 00 04  00 00 00 03               ............
2004/09/16 13:56:34.846	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1151)		GWRewrite source: setup H323 ID or E164
2004/09/16 13:56:34.847	3	      gkauth.cxx(1224)	GKAUTH	default Setup check ok
2004/09/16 13:56:34.847	5	       Routing.h(144)	ROUTING	Checking policy Explicit for request Setup CRV=959
2004/09/16 13:56:34.847	5	       Routing.h(144)	ROUTING	Checking policy Internal for request Setup CRV=959
2004/09/16 13:56:34.847	2	      RasTbl.cxx(534)	GK	Gateway 7209_endp match 1234#
2004/09/16 13:56:34.848	4	      RasTbl.cxx(891)	Alias match for GW
2004/09/16 13:56:34.848	5	       Routing.h(150)	ROUTING	Policy Internal applied to the request Setup CRV=959
2004/09/16 13:56:34.849	2	      RasTbl.cxx(1733)	CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 2, total sessions : 1
2004/09/16 13:56:34.849	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	default logged event 1 for call no. 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.850	2	      gkacct.cxx(936)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.850	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1462)		GWRewrite source: setup H323 ID or E164
2004/09/16 13:56:34.850	2	     Toolkit.cxx(378)		GWRewriteTool::RewritePString: 1234#78632347611 to 5678#78632347611
2004/09/16 13:56:34.850	2	     Toolkit.cxx(378)		GWRewriteTool::RewritePString: 1234#78632347611 to 5678#78632347611
2004/09/16 13:56:34.851	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1516)	GK	Call 2 is NAT type 0
2004/09/16 13:56:34.861	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1785)	Q931
fastStart[0] received: {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData g729 4
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18271
2004/09/16 13:56:34.865	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1785)	Q931
fastStart[1] received: {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = nullData <<null>>
      multiplexParameters = none <<null>>
    reverseLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData g729 4
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18270
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e e0                                        ..n.
          tsapIdentifier = 18271
2004/09/16 13:56:34.870	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 959
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      90 90 a3                                           ...
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      80 39 30 34 34 33 36                               .904436
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 35 36 37 38 23 37 38  36 33 32 33 34 37 36 31   .5678#7863234761
      31                                                 1
    IE: User-User = {
      20 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 07 00 6b 00 6f    .....J...@..k.o
      00 6d 00 70 00 2d 00 6e  00 65 00 74 28 00 b5 00   .m.p.-.n.e.t(...
      00 12 40 01 3c 05 01 00  00 01 07 80 89 ab 0a b9   ..@.<...........
      65 67 a9 44 00 87 28 b2  d6 06 fd 11 d9 8c cd bf   eg.D..(.........
      d6 39 0b cb d5 00 8d 1d  82 07 00 c0 a8 6e df 06   .9...........n..
      b8 11 00 7d ed 6a 5f 06  fd 11 d9 8c cc bf d6 39   ...}.j_........9
      0b cb d5 32 02 12 00 00  00 0d 40 03 80 0a 04 00   ...2......@.....
      01 00 c0 a8 6e e0 47 5f  1d 40 00 00 06 04 01 00   ....n.G_.@......
      4d 40 03 80 11 14 00 01  00 c0 a8 6e e0 47 5e 00   M@.........n.G^.
      c0 a8 6e e0 47 5f 01 00  01 00 01 00 01 00 00 06   ..n.G_..........
      a0 01 80 13 01 40 b5 00  00 12 0c c0 01 00 04 80   .....@..........
      06 00 04 00 00 00 03                               .......
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  8 characters {
            006b 006f 006d 0070 002d 006e 0065 0074   komp-net
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 181
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 18
          gateway = {
            protocol = 1 entries {
              [0]=voice {
                supportedPrefixes = 0 entries {
          mc = FALSE
          undefinedNode = FALSE
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "5678#78632347611"
        activeMC = FALSE
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          87 28 b2 d6 06 fd 11 d9  8c cd bf d6 39 0b cb d5   .(..........9...
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 6e df                                        ..n.
          port = 1720
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9  8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5   }.j_........9...
        fastStart = 2 entries {
          [0]= 18 octets {
            00 00 00 0d 40 03 80 0a  04 00 01 00 c0 a8 6e e0   ....@.........n.
            47 5f                                              G_
          [1]= 29 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d  40 03 80 11 14 00 01 00   @......M@.......
            c0 a8 6e e0 47 5e 00 c0  a8 6e e0 47 5f            ..n.G^...n.G_
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
        canOverlapSend = FALSE
        multipleCalls = FALSE
        maintainConnection = FALSE
        symmetricOperationRequired = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
      nonStandardControl = 1 entries {
          nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
            t35CountryCode = 181
            t35Extension = 0
            manufacturerCode = 18
          data =  12 octets {
            c0 01 00 04 80 06 00 04  00 00 00 03               ............
2004/09/16 13:56:34.873	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1969)	Q931	Connect to successful
2004/09/16 13:56:34.873	6	    yasocket.cxx(610) 229 bytes sent
2004/09/16 13:56:34.904	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.905	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931d	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.905	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931d	Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=959 from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.908	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 959
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Unallocated number = {
      80 81                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 11 00 11 00 7d ed 6a   %.....J......}.j
      5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf  d6 39 0b cb d5 10 80 01   _........9......
      80                                                 .
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9  8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5   }.j_........9...
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/09/16 13:56:34.908	6	      RasTbl.cxx(1861)	GK	Removing callptr: 7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5
2004/09/16 13:56:34.908	2	      RasTbl.cxx(1904)	CDR	ignore not connected call
2004/09/16 13:56:34.909	5	      gkacct.cxx(598)	GKACCT	FileAcct - CDR string for event 2, call no. 2: CDR|2|7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5|0|unconnected|Thu, 16 Sep 2004 13:56:34 +0400|| ||7209_endp|1234#78632347611:dialedDigits|komp-net:h323_ID|KompnetGK-2.2.5b;
2004/09/16 13:56:34.909	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.909	3	      gkacct.cxx(896)	GKACCT	default logged event 2 for call no. 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.909	2	      gkacct.cxx(936)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.910	6	    yasocket.cxx(610) 50 bytes sent
2004/09/16 13:56:34.910	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(3302)	ProxyH(0) total sockets 2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.910	5	         job.cxx(423)	JOB	Job Acceptor deleted
2004/09/16 13:56:34.911	5	         job.cxx(410)	JOB	Worker threads: 6 total - 5 busy, 1 idle
2004/09/16 13:56:34.913	3	    yasocket.cxx(528)	Q931s	Delete socket
2004/09/16 13:56:34.913	3	    yasocket.cxx(528)	Q931d	Delete socket
2004/09/16 13:56:34.929	7	    yasocket.cxx(699)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 1, total 0/2
2004/09/16 13:56:34.929	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(472)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.929	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(681)	Q931s	Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=959 from
2004/09/16 13:56:34.932	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(634)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 959
    from = originator
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Unallocated number = {
      80 81                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 11 00 11 00 7d ed 6a   %.....J......}.j
      5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf  d6 39 0b cb d5 10 80 01   _........9......
      80                                                 .
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9  8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5   }.j_........9...
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/09/16 13:56:34.932	6	      RasTbl.cxx(1861)	GK	Removing callptr: 7d ed 6a 5f 06 fd 11 d9 8c cc bf d6 39 0b cb d5
2004/09/16 13:56:34.943	3	    yasocket.cxx(758)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/09/16 13:56:35.329	3	      RasTbl.cxx(1211)	Gk	Delete Call No. 1
2004/09/16 14:06:34.924	5	         job.cxx(177)	JOB	Idle timeout for Worker 7176
2004/09/16 14:06:34.937	5	         job.cxx(202)	JOB	Worker 7176 closed
2004/09/16 14:06:34.938	5	         job.cxx(386)	JOB	Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle
2004/09/16 14:06:34.938	5	         job.cxx(163)	JOB	Worker 7176 destroyed
#------- config file -----





# For gateway;0022#78632,0000#,1234#






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