I have compiled gnugk-2.0.7 in VC++ 6.0. I ran gatekeeper with the following cmd .. ./gnugk -r -c gnugk.ini -tttt
my gatekeeper.ini file has the following ... *************************************************************************************
[Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=CitronProxy TimeToLive=300
[RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=0 CallSignalPort=1721
[Gatekeeper::Auth] MySQLPasswordAuth=required;RRQ ;MySQLAliasAuth=required;RRQ default=allow
[MySQLAuth] ; ; SELECT Password FROM IPNData WHERE IPN = %id AND Kind > 1 ; Host= Database=fvcgk User=js Password=js Table=userrec IDField=username PasswordField=userPassword ;ExtraCriterion=Kind > 1
;[MySQLAliasAuth] ; ;SELECT IPAddr FROM IPNData WHERE IPN = %id AND Kind > 1 ; ;Host=bl.citron.com.tw ;Database=billing ;User=citron ;Password=uA93Fof15FE ;Table=IPNData ;IDField=IPN ;IPField=IPAddr ;ExtraCriterion=Kind > 1 ;CacheTimeout=300
[CallTable] GenerateNBCDR=TRUE GenerateUCCDR=TRUE DefaultCallTimeout=7200
[GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow
but even if I set the datebase correctly,the gnugk doesn't link my datebase .
the log document like follow:
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=
0.0, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=
55.0.0, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=
255.255.255, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=
0.0, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(90) Network=, IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(91) Default IP=
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 Toolkit.cxx(153) GK H.323 Proxy disa
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 2 gkacct.cxx(486) GKACCT Successfully log
ged event 8
OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'CitronProxy' started on 0.0.0.
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.7) Ext(pthreads=0,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,ldap=0) Bu
ild(Jul 28 2004, 11:21:30) Sys(2000 i586 v5.1.2600)
2004/08/09 13:39:23.391 1 gk.cxx(490) OpenH323 Gatekeeper - Th
e GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'CitronProxy' started on
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.7) Ext(pthreads=0,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,ldap=0) Bu
ild(Jul 28 2004, 11:21:30) Sys(2000 i586 v5.1.2600)
Default IP =
我是张毅,我告诉你们:This program is free software(不要钱的,呵呵。); you can
redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Disable Bandwidth Management
2004/08/09 13:39:23.547 2 gk.cxx(533) GK TimeToLive for R
egistrations: 300
2004/08/09 13:39:23.594 1 RasTbl.cxx(53) New EP||886
2004/08/09 13:39:23.594 2 RasTbl.cxx(1067) Add permanent endpoint 1
2004/08/09 13:39:23.625 1 gkauth.cxx(270) GkAuth Add default rule
with flag ff
2004/08/09 13:39:23.641 1 gkauth.cxx(1528) GkAuth Unknown auth MyS
QLPasswordAuth, ignore!
2004/08/09 13:39:23.641 2 WaitingARQ.cxx(50) GK Virtual Queue di
sabled for aliases
2004/08/09 13:39:23.641 2 WaitingARQ.cxx(60) GK Virtual Queue di
sabled for prefixes
2004/08/09 13:39:23.641 2 WaitingARQ.cxx(70) GK Virtual Queue di
sabled for regular expression
2004/08/09 13:39:23.672 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(72) RTPPortRange: 10000-5999
2004/08/09 13:39:23.672 2 ProxyThread.cxx(477) ProxyL Listen to 0.0.0.
2004/08/09 13:39:23.688 2 thread.cxx(28) ProxyListener 9680 start
2004/08/09 13:39:23.688 2 thread.cxx(28) ProxyHandleThread 6632 s
2004/08/09 13:39:23.688 3 ProxyThread.cxx(647) ProxyLC(0) waiting...
2004/08/09 13:39:23.703 2 thread.cxx(28) ProxyHandleThread 6028 s
2004/08/09 13:39:23.703 3 ProxyThread.cxx(647) ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/08/09 13:39:23.719 2 RasSrv.cxx(560) GK Using Routed Sig
2004/08/09 13:39:23.719 2 RasSrv.cxx(561) GK H.245 Routed Dis
2004/08/09 13:39:23.734 1 RasSrv.cxx(2191) GK RasThread 6404 s
2004/08/09 13:39:23.734 1 MulticastGRQ.cxx(52) GK Multicast listen
er started
2004/08/09 13:39:23.734 2 RasSrv.cxx(2194) GK Entering connect
ion handling loop
especially note this line:Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.7) Ext(pthreads=0,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,ldap=0) Bu
ild(Jul 28 2004, 11:21:30) Sys(2000 i586 v5.1.2600)
the value of mysql is 0,that's to say the switch of datebase is off.
I have no idea of it,please help me !!!
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