pc to pc call

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I am calling pc to pc call by alias version is 2.0.9.
getting error unreachable destination. it was working fine previously.
both ends r behind NAT. both have port forwarding as my pc to pstn call is going succesful.
attached is trace and ini file.















































2004/08/06 03:20:42.021	5	   singleton.cxx(30)	Create instance: 1

2004/08/06 03:20:42.021	5	     Toolkit.cxx(501)	GK	Trying file name C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\gnugk.ini-9606 for temp config
2004/08/06 03:20:42.037	5	     Toolkit.cxx(523)	GK	Trying file name C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\gnugk.ini-3319 for external config
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	4	     Toolkit.cxx(126)	InterfaceTable: (Internal loopback interface for 127.0.0 network)
xx.xx.xx.xx1 <00-30-48-20-93-79> (Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet)
xx.xx.xx.xxx <00-30-48-20-93-78> (Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2)

2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=xx.xx.xx.xx1
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=xx.xx.xx.xx1/, IP=
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=xx.xx.xx.xxx/, IP=
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=xx.xx.xx.xx1
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=xx.xx.xx.xx1
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(96)	Network=, IP=xx.xx.xx.xx1
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(97)	Default IP=xx.xx.xx.xx1
2004/08/06 03:20:42.084	2	     Toolkit.cxx(164)	GK	H.323 Proxy enabled
2004/08/06 03:20:42.099	1	      gkacct.cxx(217)	GKACCT	Created module FileAcct with event mask 3
2004/08/06 03:20:42.115	2	      gkacct.cxx(442)	GKACCT	FileAcct CDR file: d:\acct.log
2004/08/06 03:20:42.131	2	      gkacct.cxx(1034)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 8
2004/08/06 03:20:42.146	1	          gk.cxx(549)	OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'testGK' started on xx.xx.xx.xxx
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.0.9) Ext(pthreads=0,acct=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,ldap=0,large_fdset=0) Build(Jul  9 2004, 10:10:07) Sys(Server 2003 i586 v5.2.3790) 
2004/08/06 03:20:42.224	5	   singleton.cxx(30)	Create instance: 2

2004/08/06 03:20:42.240	2	          gk.cxx(596)	GK	TimeToLive for Registrations: 300
2004/08/06 03:20:42.240	5	   singleton.cxx(30)	Create instance: 3

2004/08/06 03:20:42.256	5	   singleton.cxx(30)	Create instance: 4

2004/08/06 03:20:42.256	5	   singleton.cxx(30)	Create instance: 5

2004/08/06 03:20:42.271	1	      gkauth.cxx(424)	GkAuth	Add default rule with flag ff
2004/08/06 03:20:42.271	2	  WaitingARQ.cxx(60)	GK	Virtual Queue disabled for aliases
2004/08/06 03:20:42.271	2	  WaitingARQ.cxx(70)	GK	Virtual Queue disabled for prefixes
2004/08/06 03:20:42.271	2	  WaitingARQ.cxx(80)	GK	Virtual Queue disabled for regular expression
2004/08/06 03:20:42.287	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(74)	RTPPortRange: 10000-59999
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	 ProxyThread.cxx(503)	ProxyL	Listen to xx.xx.xx.xxx:3010
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      thread.cxx(31)	ProxyListener 896 started
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      RasSrv.cxx(602)	GK	Using Routed Signalling
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      thread.cxx(31)	ProxyHandleThread 3904 started
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      RasSrv.cxx(603)	GK	H.245 Routed Disabled
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      thread.cxx(31)	ProxyHandleThread 4080 started
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(675)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(675)	ProxyLC(0) waiting...
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	1	MulticastGRQ.cxx(57)	GK	Multicast listener started
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	1	      RasSrv.cxx(2401)	GK	RasThread 728 started
2004/08/06 03:20:42.303	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2404)	GK	Entering connection handling loop
2004/08/06 03:20:49.865	2	    GkStatus.cxx(333)	GK	GkStatus new status client: addr
2004/08/06 03:20:49.865	4	    GkStatus.cxx(669)	Auth client from
2004/08/06 03:20:49.881	5	    GkStatus.cxx(693)	Auth client rule=explicit
2004/08/06 03:20:53.459	2	    GkStatus.cxx(358)	GK	GkStatus got command rv
2004/08/06 03:20:53.459	3	     SoftPBX.cxx(66)	GK	SoftPBX: PrintAllRegistrations
2004/08/06 03:21:35.881	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:35.881	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 33950
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
        port = 1976
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  23 octets {
          45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
          50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
        versionId =  26 octets {
          31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
          76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  5 characters {
        0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 9
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 61
      productId =  23 octets {
        45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
        50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
      versionId =  26 octets {
        31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
        76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
    keepAlive = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canDisplayAmountString = TRUE
      canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	1	      RasSrv.cxx(1001)	GK	RRQ Received
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	4	      gkauth.cxx(445)	GkAuth	default check ok
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	1	      RasTbl.cxx(65)	New EP||rafat:h323_ID|terminal|5363_endp 
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	2	      RasSrv.cxx(1280)	RCF||rafat:h323_ID|terminal|5363_endp; 
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2374)	GK	Send to
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 33950
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = object (NULL)
      data =  15 octets {
        4e 41 54 3d 32 30 33 2e  38 32 2e 35 31 2e 39      NAT=
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
        port = 3010
    terminalAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  5 characters {
        0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    timeToLive = 300
    willRespondToIRR = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/08/06 03:21:35.896	5	      RasSrv.cxx(2388)	GK	Sent Successful
2004/08/06 03:21:35.912	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:35.912	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 48254
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 a4                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 a4                                        ....
        port = 1899
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  23 octets {
          45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
          50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
        versionId =  26 octets {
          31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
          76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        007a 0061 0068 0069 0064 0061             zahida
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 9
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 61
      productId =  23 octets {
        45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
        50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
      versionId =  26 octets {
        31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
        76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
    keepAlive = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0033 0034 0037 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064   3470_end
      0070                                      p
    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canDisplayAmountString = TRUE
      canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:35.912	1	      RasSrv.cxx(1001)	GK	RRQ Received
2004/08/06 03:21:35.912	4	      gkauth.cxx(445)	GkAuth	default check ok
2004/08/06 03:21:35.928	1	      RasTbl.cxx(65)	New EP||zahida:h323_ID|terminal|3470_endp 
2004/08/06 03:21:35.928	2	      RasSrv.cxx(1280)	RCF||zahida:h323_ID|terminal|3470_endp; 
2004/08/06 03:21:35.928	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2374)	GK	Send to
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 48254
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = object (NULL)
      data =  15 octets {
        4e 41 54 3d 32 30 33 2e  38 32 2e 35 31 2e 39      NAT=
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
        port = 3010
    terminalAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        007a 0061 0068 0069 0064 0061             zahida
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0033 0034 0037 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064   3470_end
      0070                                      p
    timeToLive = 300
    willRespondToIRR = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/08/06 03:21:35.928	5	      RasSrv.cxx(2388)	GK	Sent Successful
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
admissionRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 33951
    callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    destinationInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        007a 0061 0068 0069 0064 0061             zahida
    srcInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  5 characters {
        0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
    bandWidth = 200000
    callReferenceValue = 18946
    conferenceID =  16 octets {
      de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
    activeMC = FALSE
    answerCall = FALSE
    canMapAlias = TRUE
    callIdentifier = {
      guid =  16 octets {
        de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	1	      RasSrv.cxx(1447)	GK	ARQ Received
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	4	      gkauth.cxx(473)	GkAuth	default check ok
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	4	      RasTbl.cxx(976)	Alias match for EP
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	3	      RasSrv.cxx(1749)	GK	ARQ will request bandwith of 200000
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	2	      RasTbl.cxx(2071)	CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	2	      RasSrv.cxx(1872)	ACF||5363_endp|18946|zahida:h323_ID|rafat:h323_ID|false; 
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2374)	GK	Send to
admissionConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 33951
    bandWidth = 200000
    callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
    destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
      port = 3010
    irrFrequency = 120
    willRespondToIRR = FALSE
    uuiesRequested = {
      setup = FALSE
      callProceeding = FALSE
      connect = FALSE
      alerting = FALSE
      information = FALSE
      releaseComplete = FALSE
      facility = FALSE
      progress = FALSE
      empty = FALSE
      status = FALSE
      statusInquiry = FALSE
      setupAcknowledge = FALSE
      notify = FALSE
2004/08/06 03:21:51.412	5	      RasSrv.cxx(2388)	GK	Sent Successful
2004/08/06 03:21:52.490	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:52.490	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 33952
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = FALSE
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
        port = 1976
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  23 octets {
          45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
          50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
        versionId =  26 octets {
          31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
          76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    terminalAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  5 characters {
        0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 9
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 61
      productId =  23 octets {
        45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
        50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
      versionId =  26 octets {
        31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
        76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
    keepAlive = TRUE
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canDisplayAmountString = TRUE
      canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:52.490	1	      RasSrv.cxx(1001)	GK	RRQ Received
2004/08/06 03:21:52.490	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2374)	GK	Send to
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 33952
    protocolIdentifier =
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
        port = 3010
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    timeToLive = 300
    willRespondToIRR = FALSE
    maintainConnection = FALSE
2004/08/06 03:21:52.490	5	      RasSrv.cxx(2388)	GK	Sent Successful
2004/08/06 03:21:53.521	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(529)	ProxyL	Connected from
2004/08/06 03:21:53.521	5	 ProxyThread.cxx(564)	ProxyH(0) add a socket, total 1
2004/08/06 03:21:53.771	4	 ProxyThread.cxx(687)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 1, total 1/0
2004/08/06 03:21:53.771	5	 ProxyThread.cxx(379)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/08/06 03:21:53.771	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(414)	Proxy read timeout?
2004/08/06 03:21:53.787	4	 ProxyThread.cxx(687)	ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 1, total 1/0
2004/08/06 03:21:53.787	5	 ProxyThread.cxx(379)	Q931s	Reading from
2004/08/06 03:21:53.787	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(424)	Q931s	Received: Setup CRV=18946 from
2004/08/06 03:21:53.803	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:53.803	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
infoRequestResponse {
    requestSeqNum = 33953
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  23 octets {
          45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
          50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
        versionId =  26 octets {
          31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
          76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
      port = 1976
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
        port = 1720
    endpointAlias = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  5 characters {
        0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
    perCallInfo = 1 entries {
        callReferenceValue = 18946
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
        originator = TRUE
        audio = 1 entries {
            rtpAddress = {
            rtcpAddress = {
            cname = "AdministratorRafat"
            ssrc = 3734024101
            sessionId = 1
            associatedSessionIds = 0 entries {
        video = 1 entries {
            rtpAddress = {
            rtcpAddress = {
            cname = "AdministratorRafat"
            ssrc = 2874172395
            sessionId = 2
            associatedSessionIds = 0 entries {
        h245 = {
        callSignaling = {
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        bandWidth = 0
        callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
        substituteConfIDs = 0 entries {
        usageInformation = {
          nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {
    needResponse = FALSE
    unsolicited = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:53.803	1	      RasSrv.cxx(2240)	GK	IRR Received
2004/08/06 03:21:53.803	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(380)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 18946
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 93 a5                                           ...
    IE: Display = {
      72 61 66 61 74 00                                  rafat.
    IE: User-User = {
      20 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 04 00 72 00 61    .....J...@..r.a
      00 66 00 61 00 74 22 c0  09 00 00 3d 16 45 71 75   .f.a.t"....=.Equ
      69 76 61 6c 65 6e 63 65  20 4f 70 65 6e 50 68 6f   ivalence OpenPho
      6e 65 00 00 19 31 2e 38  2e 31 20 28 4f 70 65 6e   ne...1.8.1 (Open
      48 33 32 33 20 76 31 2e  31 31 2e 37 29 00 00 00   H323 v1.11.7)...
      01 40 05 00 7a 00 61 00  68 00 69 00 64 00 61 00   .@..z.a.h.i.d.a.
      80 f2 73 b2 0b c2 00 de  16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10 9a   ..s........}....
      21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd 00  c5 1f 80 04 07 00 c0 a8   !..&%3..........
      00 84 07 f7 11 00 de 16  dd bf 7d f0 18 10 9a 20   ..........}.... 
      00 c0 26 25 33 bd 84 e5  1a 1c 40 00 00 06 04 00   ..&%3.....@.....
      4d 60 05 80 11 1c 00 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00   M`..............
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 13 00  00 64 0d 60 05 80 0b 0d   .........d.`....
      00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13  b1 80 1c 40 00 00 06 04   ...........@....
      00 4c 20 1d 80 11 1c 00  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0   .L .............
      00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 13  00 00 65 0c 20 1d 80 0b   ..........e. ...
      0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 80 1c 40 00 00 06   ............@...
      04 00 4d 40 05 80 11 1c  00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ..M@............
      b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1  13 00 00 66 0d 40 05 80   ...........f.@..
      0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00  84 13 b1 80 1c 40 00 00   .............@..
      06 04 00 4c 60 1d 80 11  1c 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ...L`...........
      13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13  b1 13 00 00 67 0c 60 1d   ............g.`.
      80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1 80 1f 40 00   ..............@.
      00 06 04 00 4e 0c 03 00  83 00 80 11 1c 00 01 00   ....N...........
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b1 16 00 00   ................
      68 0e 0c 03 00 83 00 80  0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00   h...............
      84 13 b1 80 4b 40 00 00  06 04 00 4c 10 b5 00 53   ....K@.....L...S
      4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00  f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01 00   L*..............
      04 00 00 00 00 00 11 00  01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7 0f   ..........@.....
      00 00 00 01 04 00 02 00  f9 01 00 00 80 12 1c 40   ...............@
      01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 00   ................
      41 00 00 69 0c 10 b5 00  53 4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00   A..i....SL*.....
      00 f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01  00 04 00 00 00 00 00 11   ................
      00 01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7  0f 00 00 00 01 04 00 02   ...@............
      00 f9 01 00 00 80 0b 0d  40 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ........@.......
      b1 80 4b 40 00 00 06 04  00 4c 10 b5 00 53 4c 2a   ..K@.....L...SL*
      02 00 00 00 00 00 40 01  00 00 40 01 02 00 08 00   ......@...@.....
      00 00 00 00 31 00 01 00  40 1f 00 00 59 06 00 00   ....1...@...Y...
      41 00 00 00 02 00 40 01  00 00 80 12 1c 40 01 00   A.....@......@..
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b1 30 41 00   .............0A.
      00 6a 0c 10 b5 00 53 4c  2a 02 00 00 00 00 00 40   .j....SL*......@
      01 00 00 40 01 02 00 08  00 00 00 00 00 31 00 01   ...@.........1..
      00 40 1f 00 00 59 06 00  00 41 00 00 00 02 00 40   .@...Y...A.....@
      01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 98   ......@.........
      26 40 00 00 06 04 00 4c  10 09 00 00 3d 06 4c 50   &@.....L....=.LP
      43 2d 31 30 80 11 1c 00  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0   C-10............
      00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 1d  00 00 6b 0c 10 09 00 00   ..........k.....
      3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31 30  80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8   =.LPC-10........
      00 84 13 b1 80 4c 40 00  00 06 04 00 4c 10 09 00   .....L@.....L...
      00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 0a b0 6f   .=,G.726-16k...o
      00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 30 60 11 00 30 64 01   .0...0...0`..0d.
      29 30 30 13 00 30 5e 01  29 30 58 01 29 30 52 80   )00..0^.)0X.)0R.
      11 1c 00 01 00 c0 a8 00  84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84   ................
      13 b1 43 00 00 6c 0c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   ..C..l.....=,G.7
      32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 0a  b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30   26-16k...o.0...0
      00 11 00 30 60 11 00 30  64 01 29 30 30 13 00 30   ...0`..0d.)00..0
      5e 01 29 30 58 01 29 30  52 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0   ^.)0X.)0R.......
      a8 00 84 13 b1 80 4c 40  00 00 06 04 00 4c 10 09   ......L@.....L..
      00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 32 34 6b 00 0a 47   ..=,G.726-24k..G
      2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b  00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80 10   .726-16k...o.0..
      00 30 00 11 00 30 60 11  00 30 64 01 29 30 30 13   .0...0`..0d.)00.
      80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00   ................
      84 13 b1 43 00 00 6d 0c  10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e   ...C..m.....=,G.
      37 32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00  0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31   726-24k..G.726-1
      36 6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30  80 10 00 30 00 11 00 30   6k...o.0...0...0
      60 11 00 30 64 01 29 30  30 13 80 0b 0d 00 01 00   `..0d.)00.......
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 80 4c  40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10   .......L@.....L.
      09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 0a   ...=,G.726-32k..
      47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34  6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-24k..G.726
      2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f  00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11   -16k...o.0...0..
      00 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8   ................
      00 84 13 b1 43 00 00 6e  0c 10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47   ....C..n.....=,G
      2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b  00 0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   .726-32k..G.726-
      32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00   24k..G.726-16k..
      b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30  00 11 00 80 0b 0d 00 01   .o.0...0........
      00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 80  4c 40 00 00 06 04 00 4c   ........L@.....L
      10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 34 30 6b 00   ....=,G.726-40k.
      0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33  32 6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32   .G.726-32k..G.72
      36 2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47  2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b   6-24k..G.726-16k
      00 00 80 11 1c 00 01 00  c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0   ................
      a8 00 84 13 b1 43 00 00  6f 0c 10 09 00 00 3d 2c   .....C..o.....=,
      47 2e 37 32 36 2d 34 30  6b 00 0a 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-40k..G.726
      2d 33 32 6b 00 00 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00   -32k..G.726-24k.
      00 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31  36 6b 00 00 80 0b 0d 00   .G.726-16k......
      01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1  80 21 40 00 00 06 04 00   .........!@.....
      48 71 03 51 00 80 01 00  80 11 1c 00 02 00 c0 a8   Hq.Q............
      00 84 13 b2 00 c0 a8 00  84 13 b3 21 40 00 00 06   ...........!@...
      04 00 48 6b 03 51 00 80  01 00 80 11 1c 00 02 00   ..Hk.Q..........
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b2 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b3 01 00 01   ................
      00 13 10 00 35 00 33 00  36 00 33 00 5f 00 65 00   ....
      6e 00 64 00 70 01 00 01  00 81 fc 02 81 f1 02 70   n.d.p..........p
      01 06 00 08 81 75 00 07  80 13 80 00 fa 00 01 00   .....u..........
      00 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c  c0 01 00 01 80 11 80 00   ................
      06 22 c0 17 80 00 01 20  40 ef 80 00 07 22 80 17   ."..... @...."..
      80 00 00 20 c0 ef 80 00  02 24 18 03 00 e6 00 80   ... .....$......
      00 03 20 20 b5 00 53 4c  2a 02 00 00 00 00 00 f9   ..  ..SL*.......
      01 00 00 f9 01 01 00 04  00 00 00 00 00 11 00 01   ................
      00 40 1f 00 00 d7 0f 00  00 00 01 04 00 02 00 f9   .@..............
      01 00 00 80 00 04 20 20  b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00   ......  ..SL*...
      00 00 00 40 01 00 00 40  01 02 00 08 00 00 00 00   ...@...@........
      00 31 00 01 00 40 1f 00  00 59 06 00 00 41 00 00   .1...@...Y...A..
      00 02 00 40 01 00 00 80  00 05 20 20 09 00 00 3d   ...@......  ...=
      06 4c 50 43 2d 31 30 80  00 08 20 20 09 00 00 3d   .LPC-10...  ...=
      2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31  36 6b 00 f0 b0 6f 00 30   ,G.726-16k...o.0
      80 10 00 30 00 11 00 30  60 11 00 30 64 01 29 30   ...0...0`..0d.)0
      30 13 00 30 5e 01 29 30  58 01 29 30 52 80 00 09   0..0^.)0X.)0R...
      20 20 09 00 00 3d 2c 47  2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34 6b     ...=,G.726-24k
      00 f0 47 2e 37 32 36 2d  31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f 00   ..G.726-16k...o.
      30 80 10 00 30 00 11 00  30 60 11 00 30 64 01 29   0...0...0`..0d.)
      30 30 13 80 00 0a 20 20  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   00....  ...=,G.7
      32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 f0  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34   26-32k..G.726-24
      6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f   k..G.726-16k...o
      00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 80 00 0b 20 20 09 00   .0...0......  ..
      00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 34 30 6b 00 f0 47 2e   .=,G.726-40k..G.
      37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00  00 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32   726-32k..G.726-2
      34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00 80   4k..G.726-16k...
      00 0c 08 e2 03 51 00 80  01 00 80 00 0d 08 d6 03   .....Q..........
      51 00 80 01 00 80 00 0e  83 01 50 80 00 0f 83 01   Q.........P.....
      10 80 00 10 83 01 40 80  00 11 8a 06 14 04 30 2d   ......@.......0-
      31 36 00 80 01 04 0b 00  06 00 01 00 07 00 00 00   16..............
      02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00  08 00 09 00 0a 00 0b 00   ................
      00 0c 00 00 0d 00 00 0e  02 00 0f 00 10 00 11 07   ................
      01 00 32 80 83 b0 ce 02  80 01 80                  ..2........
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
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            0072 0061 0066 0061 0074                  rafat
        sourceInfo = {
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            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 9
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 61
            productId =  23 octets {
              45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
              50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
            versionId =  26 octets {
              31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
              76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
          terminal = {
          mc = FALSE
          undefinedNode = FALSE
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
            007a 0061 0068 0069 0064 0061             zahida
        destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
          port = 3010
        activeMC = FALSE
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 00 84                                        ....
          port = 2039
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
        fastStart = 26 entries {
          [0]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4d 60  05 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....M`........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [1]= 19 octets {
            00 00 64 0d 60 05 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..d.`...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [2]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 20  1d 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....L ........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [3]= 19 octets {
            00 00 65 0c 20 1d 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..e. ...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [4]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4d 40  05 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....M@........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [5]= 19 octets {
            00 00 66 0d 40 05 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..f.@...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [6]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 60  1d 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....L`........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [7]= 19 octets {
            00 00 67 0c 60 1d 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..g.`...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [8]= 31 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4e 0c  03 00 83 00 80 11 1c 00   @.....N.........
            01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1      ...............
          [9]= 22 octets {
            00 00 68 0e 0c 03 00 83  00 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0   ..h.............
            a8 00 84 13 b1 80                                  ......
          [10]= 75 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00   @.....L...SL*...
            00 00 00 f9 01 00 00 f9  01 01 00 04 00 00 00 00   ................
            00 11 00 01 00 40 1f 00  00 d7 0f 00 00 00 01 04   .....@..........
            00 02 00 f9 01 00 00 80  12 1c 40 01 00 c0 a8 00   ..........@.....
            84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 00                  ...........
          [11]= 65 octets {
            00 00 69 0c 10 b5 00 53  4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00   ..i....SL*......
            f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01 00  04 00 00 00 00 00 11 00   ................
            01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7 0f  00 00 00 01 04 00 02 00   ..@.............
            f9 01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   .......@........
            80                                                 .
          [12]= 75 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00   @.....L...SL*...
            00 00 00 40 01 00 00 40  01 02 00 08 00 00 00 00   ...@...@........
            00 31 00 01 00 40 1f 00  00 59 06 00 00 41 00 00   .1...@...Y...A..
            00 02 00 40 01 00 00 80  12 1c 40 01 00 c0 a8 00   ...@......@.....
            84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 30                  ..........0
          [13]= 65 octets {
            00 00 6a 0c 10 b5 00 53  4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00   ..j....SL*......
            40 01 00 00 40 01 02 00  08 00 00 00 00 00 31 00   @...@.........1.
            01 00 40 1f 00 00 59 06  00 00 41 00 00 00 02 00   ..@...Y...A.....
            40 01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   @......@........
            98                                                 .
          [14]= 38 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 06 4c 50 43   @.....L....=.LPC
            2d 31 30 80 11 1c 00 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00   -10.............
            c0 a8 00 84 13 b1                                  ......
          [15]= 29 octets {
            00 00 6b 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31 30   ..k.....=.LPC-10
            80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1 80            .............
          [16]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 0a  b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30   26-16k...o.0...0
            00 11 00 30 60 11 00 30  64 01 29 30 30 13 00 30   ...0`..0d.)00..0
            5e 01 29 30 58 01 29 30  52 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   ^.)0X.)0R.......
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [17]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6c 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..l.....=,G.726-
            31 36 6b 00 0a b0 6f 00  30 80 10 00 30 00 11 00   16k...o.0...0...
            30 60 11 00 30 64 01 29  30 30 13 00 30 5e 01 29   0`..0d.)00..0^.)
            30 58 01 29 30 52 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   0X.)0R..........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [18]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36   26-24k..G.726-16
            6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80  10 00 30 00 11 00 30 60   k...o.0...0...0`
            11 00 30 64 01 29 30 30  13 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   ..0d.)00........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [19]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6d 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..m.....=,G.726-
            32 34 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00   24k..G.726-16k..
            b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30  00 11 00 30 60 11 00 30   .o.0...0...0`..0
            64 01 29 30 30 13 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   d.)00...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [20]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34   26-32k..G.726-24
            6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f   k..G.726-16k...o
            00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   .0...0..........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [21]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6e 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..n.....=,G.726-
            33 32 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 00   32k..G.726-24k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36  6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80   G.726-16k...o.0.
            10 00 30 00 11 00 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..0.............
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [22]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 34 30 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32   26-40k..G.726-32
            6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e   k..G.726-24k..G.
            37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00  00 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   726-16k.........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [23]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6f 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..o.....=,G.726-
            34 30 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 00   40k..G.726-32k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34  6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-24k..G.726
            2d 31 36 6b 00 00 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   -16k............
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [24]= 33 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 48 71  03 51 00 80 01 00 80 11   @.....Hq.Q......
            1c 00 02 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b2 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ................
            b3                                                 .
          [25]= 33 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 48 6b  03 51 00 80 01 00 80 11   @.....Hk.Q......
            1c 00 02 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b2 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ................
            b3                                                 .
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
        canOverlapSend = FALSE
        endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
          0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
          0070                                      p
        multipleCalls = FALSE
        maintainConnection = FALSE
        parallelH245Control = 2 entries {
          [0]= 497 octets {
            02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75  00 07 80 13 80 00 fa 00   .p.....u........
            01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00  00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 11   ................
            80 00 06 22 c0 17 80 00  01 20 40 ef 80 00 07 22   ..."..... @...."
            80 17 80 00 00 20 c0 ef  80 00 02 24 18 03 00 e6   ..... .....$....
            00 80 00 03 20 20 b5 00  53 4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00   ....  ..SL*.....
            00 f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01  00 04 00 00 00 00 00 11   ................
            00 01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7  0f 00 00 00 01 04 00 02   ...@............
            00 f9 01 00 00 80 00 04  20 20 b5 00 53 4c 2a 02   ........  ..SL*.
            00 00 00 00 00 40 01 00  00 40 01 02 00 08 00 00   .....@...@......
            00 00 00 31 00 01 00 40  1f 00 00 59 06 00 00 41   ...1...@...Y...A
            00 00 00 02 00 40 01 00  00 80 00 05 20 20 09 00   .....@......  ..
            00 3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31  30 80 00 08 20 20 09 00   .=.LPC-10...  ..
            00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 f0 b0 6f   .=,G.726-16k...o
            00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 30 60 11 00 30 64 01   .0...0...0`..0d.
            29 30 30 13 00 30 5e 01  29 30 58 01 29 30 52 80   )00..0^.)0X.)0R.
            00 09 20 20 09 00 00 3d  2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32   ..  ...=,G.726-2
            34 6b 00 f0 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0   4k..G.726-16k...
            6f 00 30 80 10 00 30 00  11 00 30 60 11 00 30 64   o.0...0...0`..0d
            01 29 30 30 13 80 00 0a  20 20 09 00 00 3d 2c 47   .)00....  ...=,G
            2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b  00 f0 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   .726-32k..G.726-
            32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00   24k..G.726-16k..
            b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30  00 11 00 80 00 0b 20 20   .o.0...0......  
            09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 34 30 6b 00 f0   ...=,G.726-40k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32  6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-32k..G.726
            2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00   -24k..G.726-16k.
            00 80 00 0c 08 e2 03 51  00 80 01 00 80 00 0d 08   .......Q........
            d6 03 51 00 80 01 00 80  00 0e 83 01 50 80 00 0f   ..Q.........P...
            83 01 10 80 00 10 83 01  40 80 00 11 8a 06 14 04   ........@.......
            30 2d 31 36 00 80 01 04  0b 00 06 00 01 00 07 00   0-16............
            00 00 02 00 03 00 04 00  05 00 08 00 09 00 0a 00   ................
            0b 00 00 0c 00 00 0d 00  00 0e 02 00 0f 00 10 00   ................
            11                                                 .
          [1]= 7 octets {
            01 00 32 80 83 b0 ce                               ..2....
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:53.818	2	      gkacct.cxx(1034)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2004/08/06 03:21:53.818	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1151)	GK	Call 1 is NAT type 3
2004/08/06 03:21:53.834	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(380)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 18946
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 93 a5                                           ...
    IE: Display = {
      72 61 66 61 74 00                                  rafat.
    IE: User-User = {
      20 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 01 40 04 00 72 00 61    .....J...@..r.a
      00 66 00 61 00 74 22 c0  09 00 00 3d 16 45 71 75   .f.a.t"....=.Equ
      69 76 61 6c 65 6e 63 65  20 4f 70 65 6e 50 68 6f   ivalence OpenPho
      6e 65 00 00 19 31 2e 38  2e 31 20 28 4f 70 65 6e   ne...1.8.1 (Open
      48 33 32 33 20 76 31 2e  31 31 2e 37 29 00 00 00   H323 v1.11.7)...
      01 40 05 00 7a 00 61 00  68 00 69 00 64 00 61 00   .@..z.a.h.i.d.a.
      de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
      00 c5 1f 80 04 07 00 80  f2 73 b2 0b c2 11 00 de   .........s......
      16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10 9a  20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd 84   ...}.... ..&%3..
      e5 1a 1c 40 00 00 06 04  00 4d 60 05 80 11 1c 00   ...@.....M`.....
      01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 13   ................
      00 00 64 0d 60 05 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..d.`...........
      13 b1 80 1c 40 00 00 06  04 00 4c 20 1d 80 11 1c   ....@.....L ....
      00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13  b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   ................
      13 00 00 65 0c 20 1d 80  0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00   ...e. ..........
      84 13 b1 80 1c 40 00 00  06 04 00 4d 40 05 80 11   .....@.....M@...
      1c 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ................
      b1 13 00 00 66 0d 40 05  80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8   ....f.@.........
      00 84 13 b1 80 1c 40 00  00 06 04 00 4c 60 1d 80   ......@.....L`..
      11 1c 00 01 00 c0 a8 00  84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84   ................
      13 b1 13 00 00 67 0c 60  1d 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0   .....g.`........
      a8 00 84 13 b1 80 1f 40  00 00 06 04 00 4e 0c 03   .......@.....N..
      00 83 00 80 11 1c 00 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00   ................
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 16 00  00 68 0e 0c 03 00 83 00   .........h......
      80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1 80 4b 40 00   .............K@.
      00 06 04 00 4c 10 b5 00  53 4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00   ....L...SL*.....
      00 f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01  00 04 00 00 00 00 00 11   ................
      00 01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7  0f 00 00 00 01 04 00 02   ...@............
      00 f9 01 00 00 80 12 1c  40 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ........@.......
      b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1  00 41 00 00 69 0c 10 b5   .........A..i...
      00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00 00  00 00 f9 01 00 00 f9 01   .SL*............
      01 00 04 00 00 00 00 00  11 00 01 00 40 1f 00 00   ............@...
      d7 0f 00 00 00 01 04 00  02 00 f9 01 00 00 80 0b   ................
      0d 40 01 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 80 4b 40 00 00 06   .@.........K@...
      04 00 4c 10 b5 00 53 4c  2a 02 00 00 00 00 00 40   ..L...SL*......@
      01 00 00 40 01 02 00 08  00 00 00 00 00 31 00 01   ...@.........1..
      00 40 1f 00 00 59 06 00  00 41 00 00 00 02 00 40   .@...Y...A.....@
      01 00 00 80 12 1c 40 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00   ......@.........
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 30 41  00 00 6a 0c 10 b5 00 53   ......0A..j....S
      4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00  40 01 00 00 40 01 02 00   L*......@...@...
      08 00 00 00 00 00 31 00  01 00 40 1f 00 00 59 06   ......1...@...Y.
      00 00 41 00 00 00 02 00  40 01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40   ..A.....@......@
      01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1  98 26 40 00 00 06 04 00   .........&@.....
      4c 10 09 00 00 3d 06 4c  50 43 2d 31 30 80 11 1c   L....=.LPC-10...
      00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13  b0 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   ................
      1d 00 00 6b 0c 10 09 00  00 3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31   ...k.....=.LPC-1
      30 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b1 80 4c 40   0.............L@
      00 00 06 04 00 4c 10 09  00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32   .....L....=,G.72
      36 2d 31 36 6b 00 0a b0  6f 00 30 80 10 00 30 00   6-16k...o.0...0.
      11 00 30 60 11 00 30 64  01 29 30 30 13 00 30 5e   ..0`..0d.)00..0^
      01 29 30 58 01 29 30 52  80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0 a8   .)0X.)0R........
      00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00  84 13 b1 43 00 00 6c 0c   ...........C..l.
      10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00   ....=,G.726-16k.
      0a b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00  30 00 11 00 30 60 11 00   ..o.0...0...0`..
      30 64 01 29 30 30 13 00  30 5e 01 29 30 58 01 29   0d.)00..0^.)0X.)
      30 52 80 0b 0d 00 01 00  c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 80 4c   0R.............L
      40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
      32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36   26-24k..G.726-16
      6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80  10 00 30 00 11 00 30 60   k...o.0...0...0`
      11 00 30 64 01 29 30 30  13 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   ..0d.)00........
      a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1 43 00 00 6d   ............C..m
      0c 10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47  2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34 6b   .....=,G.726-24k
      00 0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d  31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f 00   ..G.726-16k...o.
      30 80 10 00 30 00 11 00  30 60 11 00 30 64 01 29   0...0...0`..0d.)
      30 30 13 80 0b 0d 00 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 80   00..............
      4c 40 00 00 06 04 00 4c  10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e   L@.....L....=,G.
      37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00  0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32   726-32k..G.726-2
      34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0   4k..G.726-16k...
      6f 00 30 80 10 00 30 00  11 00 80 11 1c 00 01 00   o.0...0.........
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b1 43 00 00   .............C..
      6e 0c 10 09 00 00 3d 2c  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32   n.....=,G.726-32
      6b 00 0a 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e   k..G.726-24k..G.
      37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00  00 b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00   726-16k...o.0...
      30 00 11 00 80 0b 0d 00  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   0...............
      80 4c 40 00 00 06 04 00  4c 10 09 00 00 3d 2c 47   .L@.....L....=,G
      2e 37 32 36 2d 34 30 6b  00 0a 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   .726-40k..G.726-
      33 32 6b 00 00 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 00   32k..G.726-24k..
      47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36  6b 00 00 80 11 1c 00 01   G.726-16k.......
      00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00  c0 a8 00 84 13 b1 43 00   ..............C.
      00 6f 0c 10 09 00 00 3d  2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 34   .o.....=,G.726-4
      30 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 33 32 6b 00 00 47   0k..G.726-32k..G
      2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34 6b  00 00 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   .726-24k..G.726-
      31 36 6b 00 00 80 0b 0d  00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   16k.............
      b1 80 21 40 00 00 06 04  00 48 71 03 51 00 80 01   ..!@.....Hq.Q...
      00 80 11 1c 00 02 00 c0  a8 00 84 13 b2 00 c0 a8   ................
      00 84 13 b3 21 40 00 00  06 04 00 48 6b 03 51 00   ....!@.....Hk.Q.
      80 01 00 80 11 1c 00 02  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b2 00   ................
      c0 a8 00 84 13 b3 01 00  01 00 13 10 00 35 00 33   .............5.3
      00 36 00 33 00 5f 00 65  00 6e 00 64 00 70 01 00   .6.3._.e.n.d.p..
      01 00 81 fc 02 81 f1 02  70 01 06 00 08 81 75 00   ........p.....u.
      07 80 13 80 00 fa 00 01  00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00   ................
      0c c0 01 00 01 80 11 80  00 06 22 c0 17 80 00 01   ..........".....
      20 40 ef 80 00 07 22 80  17 80 00 00 20 c0 ef 80    @...."..... ...
      00 02 24 18 03 00 e6 00  80 00 03 20 20 b5 00 53   ..$........  ..S
      4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00  f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01 00   L*..............
      04 00 00 00 00 00 11 00  01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7 0f   ..........@.....
      00 00 00 01 04 00 02 00  f9 01 00 00 80 00 04 20   ............... 
      20 b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00  00 00 00 00 40 01 00 00    ..SL*......@...
      40 01 02 00 08 00 00 00  00 00 31 00 01 00 40 1f   @.........1...@.
      00 00 59 06 00 00 41 00  00 00 02 00 40 01 00 00   ..Y...A.....@...
      80 00 05 20 20 09 00 00  3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31 30   ...  ...=.LPC-10
      80 00 08 20 20 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ...  ...=,G.726-
      31 36 6b 00 f0 b0 6f 00  30 80 10 00 30 00 11 00   16k...o.0...0...
      30 60 11 00 30 64 01 29  30 30 13 00 30 5e 01 29   0`..0d.)00..0^.)
      30 58 01 29 30 52 80 00  09 20 20 09 00 00 3d 2c   0X.)0R...  ...=,
      47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34  6b 00 f0 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-24k..G.726
      2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f  00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11   -16k...o.0...0..
      00 30 60 11 00 30 64 01  29 30 30 13 80 00 0a 20   .0`..0d.)00.... 
      20 09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00    ...=,G.726-32k.
      f0 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32  34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32   .G.726-24k..G.72
      36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0  6f 00 30 80 10 00 30 00   6-16k...o.0...0.
      11 00 80 00 0b 20 20 09  00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32   .....  ...=,G.72
      36 2d 34 30 6b 00 f0 47  2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b   6-40k..G.726-32k
      00 00 47 2e 37 32 36 2d  32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37   ..G.726-24k..G.7
      32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00  80 00 0c 08 e2 03 51 00   26-16k........Q.
      80 01 00 80 00 0d 08 d6  03 51 00 80 01 00 80 00   .........Q......
      0e 83 01 50 80 00 0f 83  01 10 80 00 10 83 01 40   ...P...........@
      80 00 11 8a 06 14 04 30  2d 31 36 00 80 01 04 0b   .......0-16.....
      00 06 00 01 00 07 00 00  00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05   ................
      00 08 00 09 00 0a 00 0b  00 00 0c 00 00 0d 00 00   ................
      0e 02 00 0f 00 10 00 11  07 01 00 32 80 83 b0 ce   ...........2....
      02 80 01 80                                        ....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
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              45 71 75 69 76 61 6c 65  6e 63 65 20 4f 70 65 6e   Equivalence Open
              50 68 6f 6e 65 00 00                               Phone..
            versionId =  26 octets {
              31 2e 38 2e 31 20 28 4f  70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20   1.8.1 (OpenH323 
              76 31 2e 31 31 2e 37 29  00 00                     v1.11.7)..
          terminal = {
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            007a 0061 0068 0069 0064 0061             zahida
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          de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            80 f2 73 b2                                        ..s.
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            de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
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          [0]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4d 60  05 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....M`........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [1]= 19 octets {
            00 00 64 0d 60 05 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..d.`...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [2]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 20  1d 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....L ........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [3]= 19 octets {
            00 00 65 0c 20 1d 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..e. ...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [4]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4d 40  05 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....M@........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [5]= 19 octets {
            00 00 66 0d 40 05 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..f.@...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [6]= 28 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 60  1d 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   @.....L`........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [7]= 19 octets {
            00 00 67 0c 60 1d 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..g.`...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
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            40 00 00 06 04 00 4e 0c  03 00 83 00 80 11 1c 00   @.....N.........
            01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1      ...............
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            00 00 68 0e 0c 03 00 83  00 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0   ..h.............
            a8 00 84 13 b1 80                                  ......
          [10]= 75 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00   @.....L...SL*...
            00 00 00 f9 01 00 00 f9  01 01 00 04 00 00 00 00   ................
            00 11 00 01 00 40 1f 00  00 d7 0f 00 00 00 01 04   .....@..........
            00 02 00 f9 01 00 00 80  12 1c 40 01 00 c0 a8 00   ..........@.....
            84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 00                  ...........
          [11]= 65 octets {
            00 00 69 0c 10 b5 00 53  4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00   ..i....SL*......
            f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01 00  04 00 00 00 00 00 11 00   ................
            01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7 0f  00 00 00 01 04 00 02 00   ..@.............
            f9 01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   .......@........
            80                                                 .
          [12]= 75 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  b5 00 53 4c 2a 02 00 00   @.....L...SL*...
            00 00 00 40 01 00 00 40  01 02 00 08 00 00 00 00   ...@...@........
            00 31 00 01 00 40 1f 00  00 59 06 00 00 41 00 00   .1...@...Y...A..
            00 02 00 40 01 00 00 80  12 1c 40 01 00 c0 a8 00   ...@......@.....
            84 13 b0 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b1 30                  ..........0
          [13]= 65 octets {
            00 00 6a 0c 10 b5 00 53  4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00 00   ..j....SL*......
            40 01 00 00 40 01 02 00  08 00 00 00 00 00 31 00   @...@.........1.
            01 00 40 1f 00 00 59 06  00 00 41 00 00 00 02 00   ..@...Y...A.....
            40 01 00 00 80 0b 0d 40  01 00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b1   @......@........
            98                                                 .
          [14]= 38 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 06 4c 50 43   @.....L....=.LPC
            2d 31 30 80 11 1c 00 01  00 c0 a8 00 84 13 b0 00   -10.............
            c0 a8 00 84 13 b1                                  ......
          [15]= 29 octets {
            00 00 6b 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31 30   ..k.....=.LPC-10
            80 0b 0d 00 01 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1 80            .............
          [16]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 0a  b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30   26-16k...o.0...0
            00 11 00 30 60 11 00 30  64 01 29 30 30 13 00 30   ...0`..0d.)00..0
            5e 01 29 30 58 01 29 30  52 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   ^.)0X.)0R.......
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [17]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6c 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..l.....=,G.726-
            31 36 6b 00 0a b0 6f 00  30 80 10 00 30 00 11 00   16k...o.0...0...
            30 60 11 00 30 64 01 29  30 30 13 00 30 5e 01 29   0`..0d.)00..0^.)
            30 58 01 29 30 52 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   0X.)0R..........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [18]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36   26-24k..G.726-16
            6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80  10 00 30 00 11 00 30 60   k...o.0...0...0`
            11 00 30 64 01 29 30 30  13 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   ..0d.)00........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [19]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6d 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..m.....=,G.726-
            32 34 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00   24k..G.726-16k..
            b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30  00 11 00 30 60 11 00 30   .o.0...0...0`..0
            64 01 29 30 30 13 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   d.)00...........
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [20]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34   26-32k..G.726-24
            6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0 6f   k..G.726-16k...o
            00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   .0...0..........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [21]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6e 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..n.....=,G.726-
            33 32 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 32 34 6b 00 00   32k..G.726-24k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 31 36  6b 00 00 b0 6f 00 30 80   G.726-16k...o.0.
            10 00 30 00 11 00 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   ..0.............
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [22]= 76 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 10  09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37   @.....L....=,G.7
            32 36 2d 34 30 6b 00 0a  47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32   26-40k..G.726-32
            6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e   k..G.726-24k..G.
            37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00  00 80 11 1c 00 01 00 c0   726-16k.........
            a8 00 84 13 b0 00 c0 a8  00 84 13 b1               ............
          [23]= 67 octets {
            00 00 6f 0c 10 09 00 00  3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   ..o.....=,G.726-
            34 30 6b 00 0a 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 33 32 6b 00 00   40k..G.726-32k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32 34  6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-24k..G.726
            2d 31 36 6b 00 00 80 0b  0d 00 01 00 c0 a8 00 84   -16k............
            13 b1 80                                           ...
          [24]= 33 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 48 71  03 51 00 80 01 00 80 11   @.....Hq.Q......
            1c 00 02 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b2 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ................
            b3                                                 .
          [25]= 33 octets {
            40 00 00 06 04 00 48 6b  03 51 00 80 01 00 80 11   @.....Hk.Q......
            1c 00 02 00 c0 a8 00 84  13 b2 00 c0 a8 00 84 13   ................
            b3                                                 .
        mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE
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          [0]= 497 octets {
            02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75  00 07 80 13 80 00 fa 00   .p.....u........
            01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00  00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 11   ................
            80 00 06 22 c0 17 80 00  01 20 40 ef 80 00 07 22   ..."..... @...."
            80 17 80 00 00 20 c0 ef  80 00 02 24 18 03 00 e6   ..... .....$....
            00 80 00 03 20 20 b5 00  53 4c 2a 02 00 00 00 00   ....  ..SL*.....
            00 f9 01 00 00 f9 01 01  00 04 00 00 00 00 00 11   ................
            00 01 00 40 1f 00 00 d7  0f 00 00 00 01 04 00 02   ...@............
            00 f9 01 00 00 80 00 04  20 20 b5 00 53 4c 2a 02   ........  ..SL*.
            00 00 00 00 00 40 01 00  00 40 01 02 00 08 00 00   .....@...@......
            00 00 00 31 00 01 00 40  1f 00 00 59 06 00 00 41   ...1...@...Y...A
            00 00 00 02 00 40 01 00  00 80 00 05 20 20 09 00   .....@......  ..
            00 3d 06 4c 50 43 2d 31  30 80 00 08 20 20 09 00   .=.LPC-10...  ..
            00 3d 2c 47 2e 37 32 36  2d 31 36 6b 00 f0 b0 6f   .=,G.726-16k...o
            00 30 80 10 00 30 00 11  00 30 60 11 00 30 64 01   .0...0...0`..0d.
            29 30 30 13 00 30 5e 01  29 30 58 01 29 30 52 80   )00..0^.)0X.)0R.
            00 09 20 20 09 00 00 3d  2c 47 2e 37 32 36 2d 32   ..  ...=,G.726-2
            34 6b 00 f0 47 2e 37 32  36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00 b0   4k..G.726-16k...
            6f 00 30 80 10 00 30 00  11 00 30 60 11 00 30 64   o.0...0...0`..0d
            01 29 30 30 13 80 00 0a  20 20 09 00 00 3d 2c 47   .)00....  ...=,G
            2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32 6b  00 f0 47 2e 37 32 36 2d   .726-32k..G.726-
            32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00 00   24k..G.726-16k..
            b0 6f 00 30 80 10 00 30  00 11 00 80 00 0b 20 20   .o.0...0......  
            09 00 00 3d 2c 47 2e 37  32 36 2d 34 30 6b 00 f0   ...=,G.726-40k..
            47 2e 37 32 36 2d 33 32  6b 00 00 47 2e 37 32 36   G.726-32k..G.726
            2d 32 34 6b 00 00 47 2e  37 32 36 2d 31 36 6b 00   -24k..G.726-16k.
            00 80 00 0c 08 e2 03 51  00 80 01 00 80 00 0d 08   .......Q........
            d6 03 51 00 80 01 00 80  00 0e 83 01 50 80 00 0f   ..Q.........P...
            83 01 10 80 00 10 83 01  40 80 00 11 8a 06 14 04   ........@.......
            30 2d 31 36 00 80 01 04  0b 00 06 00 01 00 07 00   0-16............
            00 00 02 00 03 00 04 00  05 00 08 00 09 00 0a 00   ................
            0b 00 00 0c 00 00 0d 00  00 0e 02 00 0f 00 10 00   ................
            11                                                 .
          [1]= 7 octets {
            01 00 32 80 83 b0 ce                               ..2....
      h245Tunneling = TRUE
2004/08/06 03:21:53.834	2	 ProxyThread.cxx(729)	Proxy	Create a new ConnectThread, total 1
2004/08/06 03:21:53.834	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(675)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2004/08/06 03:21:53.834	2	      thread.cxx(31)	ProxyConnectThread 3188 started
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(724)	Q931 DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	3	 ProxyThread.cxx(85)	Q931d	Delete socket
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(380)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 18946
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: User-User = {
      25 c0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 10 08 11 00 de 16 dd   %.....J.........
      bf 7d f0 18 10 9a 20 00  c0 26 25 33 bd 02 80 01   .}.... ..&%3....
      00                                                 .
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        reason = unreachableDestination <<null>>
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
      h245Tunneling = FALSE
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	6	 ProxyThread.cxx(150) 46 bytes sent
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	6	      RasTbl.cxx(2213)	GK	Removing callptr:de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10 9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd...

2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	2	      RasTbl.cxx(2256)	CDR	ignore not connected call
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	5	      gkacct.cxx(640)	GKACCT	FileAcct - CDR string for event 2, call no. 1: CDR|1|de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10 9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd|0|unconnected|Fri, 06 Aug 2004 03:21:56 -0700||5363_endp||3470_endp|zahida:h323_ID|rafat:h323_ID|testGK;
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	3	      gkacct.cxx(994)	GKACCT	FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/08/06 03:21:56.209	2	      gkacct.cxx(1034)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/08/06 03:21:57.803	2	      RasSrv.cxx(2434)	GK	Read from
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2447)	GK
disengageRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 33954
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0035 0033 0036 0033 005f 0065 006e 0064   5363_end
      0070                                      p
    conferenceID =  16 octets {
      de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 21 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}....!..&%3.
    callReferenceValue = 18946
    disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
    callIdentifier = {
      guid =  16 octets {
        de 16 dd bf 7d f0 18 10  9a 20 00 c0 26 25 33 bd   ....}.... ..&%3.
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  6 characters {
      0074 0065 0073 0074 0047 004b             testGK
    answeredCall = FALSE
    usageInformation = {
      nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {
      endTime = 1089109621
    terminationCause = releaseCompleteCauseIE  2 octets {
      80 83                                              ..
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	1	      RasSrv.cxx(1921)	GK	DRQ Received
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	4	      RasSrv.cxx(1931)	GK	DRQ: closed conference
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	4	        gkauth.h(83)	GkAuth	default check ok
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	3	      RasTbl.cxx(2202)	GK	No CallRec found for DRQ
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	2	      RasSrv.cxx(1968)	DCF||5363_endp|18946|normalDrop; 
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	3	      RasSrv.cxx(2374)	GK	Send to
disengageConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 33954
2004/08/06 03:21:57.818	5	      RasSrv.cxx(2388)	GK	Sent Successful

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