Can't create unknown class SQLAcct

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I have compiled gnugk 2.2beta5 from CVS with the follwing options ... HAS_ACCT=1 NO_LDAP=1 NO_RADIUS=1 NO_PGSQL=1 LARGE_FDSET=1 make both I ran gatekeeper with the following cmd .. ./gnugk -r -c gnugk.ini -tttt I get the following message .... factory.h Init Can't Create Unknown class SQLAcct What could be the problem ? Is my config right ? is there a better way to do mysql-accouting, if so can someone please give me the mysql schema and config to do so ? Thanks in advance ... -rahul my gatekeeper.ini file has the following ... [Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=SifyGK EndpointIDSuffix=_sifygnugk1 StatusPort=7000 TimeToLive=480 TotalBandwidth=-1 [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=0 CallSignalPort=1720 CallSignalHandlerNumber=2 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 AcceptNeighborsCalls=0 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 Q931PortRange=20000-20020 H245PortRange=30000-30010 ConnectTimeout=60000 [Proxy] Enable=1 #InternalNetwork=, T120PortRange=1024-65535 RTPPortRange=1024-65535 ProxyForNAT=1 ProxyForSameNAT=0 [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow Shutdown=forbid #KeyFilled=11 [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] [RasSrv::RewriteE164] [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] [RasSrv::Neighbors] [RasSrv::LRQFeatures] NeighborTimeout=2 ForwardHopCount=2 IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1 CiscoGKCompatible=1 [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] AcceptGatewayPrefixes=1 OverwriteEPOnSameAddress=1 [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] ArjReasonRouteCallToSCN=1 ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1 CallUnregisteredEndpoints=0 RemoveTrailingChar=# [CallTable] GenerateNBCDR=1 GenerateUCCDR=0 DefaultCallDurationLimit=0 AcctUpdateInterval=60 [EndPoint] Gatekeeper=no Type=Gateway RRQRetryInterval=10 ARQTimeout=2 [Endpoint::RewriteE164] [Gatekeeper::Auth] #SimplePasswordAuth=optional;RRQ #AliasAuth=optional;RRQ SQLPasswordAuth=optional;RRQ SQLAliasAuth=required;RRQ default=allow #[Password] #KeyFilled=123 #PasswordTimeuot=120 [RasSrv::RRQAuth] MYEP5=allow [SQLPasswordAuth] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gkcontrol Username=gnugk Password=secret CacheTimeout=300 Query=SELECT h235password FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND IS active [SQLAliasAuth] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gkcontrol Username=gnugk Password=secret CacheTimeout=300 Query=SELECT IF(LENGTH(TRIM(authcond)), authcond, CONCAT('sigip:',host, IF(port, CONCAT(':',port),''))) as authrule FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND GatekeeperId = '%2' AND active [Gatekeeper::Acct] SQLAcct=required [SQLAcct] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gkcontrol Username=gnugk Password=secret MinPoolSize=5 #StartQuery=INSERT INTO call (gkname, sessid, callno, username, calling, called, duration, disconnectcause) VALUES ('%g', '%s', %n, '%u', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', %d, %c) StartQueryAlt=UPDATE call SET username = '%u', calling = '%{Calling-Station-Id}', called = '%{Called-Station-Id}', duration = %d, disconnectcause = %c WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' UpdateQuery=UPDATE call SET duration = %d WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' #StopQuery=UPDATE call SET username = '%u', calling = '%{Calling-Station-Id}', called = '%{Called-Station-Id}', duration = %d, disconnectcause = %c WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' #StopQueryAlt=INSERT INTO call (gkname, sessid, callno, username, calling, called, duration, disconnectcause) VALUES ('%g', '%s', %n, '%u', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', %d, %c) --------------------------------------------------

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