2004/08/04 19:17:16.256 3 gkauth.cxx(1050) GKAUTH default Setup check failed
2004/08/04 19:17:16.256 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1324) Q931 Dropping call #83 due to Setup authentication failure
[Gatekeeper::Auth] AliasAuth=optional;RRQ PrefixAuth=sufficient;LRQ;ARQ default=deny
David Winter
Senior Network Engineer
Planet-Telecom, Inc.
Tampa FL
(813)901-5182 Office
(813)864-3162 Direct
(813)817-4204 Mobile
(813)881-9762 Fax
AIM: mobofool
ICQ: 3563403
MSN: dwinter@xxxxxx
Y!: vt_fool
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