GnuGK and Bandwidth management

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I'm using gnugk with OpenPhone. I have 2 pc :
-     the first with gnugk and OpenPhone. IP
-     the second with only OpenPhone. IP
The 2 PC are connected themself with a FreeBSD. In Fact, you can manage a virtual link with Dummynet installed on the FreeBSD.
This virtual link have a 64kbit/s. It's enought for 2 call with G729A.
I'm trying to configure the bandwith management with the gatekeeper. My command are :
gnugk -rr -d -tt -b 64kbit/s -c c:\myfile.ini
the config file contains :
//to configure ???
When the gnugk start, I can see "bandwith available = 64"
But, I can't start any calls and the message is "No bandwidth available"
Does any one can explain to me how to configure the control bandwidth to authorise a call when you have enough free bandwidth ....
Thanks for you help !!
PS : sorry for my english...


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