If i make a fixed TCP connect(NAT behind endpoint to GK)
Q.931 maybe work well in all type NAT(including symentric).But will make a burden to GK.And i must be fix the GK source code and write a softphone to communicate with GK about the fixed TCP connection
Zygmuntowicz Michal <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Q.931 maybe work well in all type NAT(including symentric).But will make a burden to GK.And i must be fix the GK source code and write a softphone to communicate with GK about the fixed TCP connection
Zygmuntowicz Michal <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I would add 7:
7. Use (Write) a softphone that can work behind NAT/Firewall
and undestands how to make use of GnuGk NAT traversal.
You can then use it behind every NAT and (most) firewalls.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart Nelson"
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: NAT through about gnugk
> Hi,
> There are many possible solutions for multiple VoIP users
> behind the same NAT:
> 1. For EP2, use a device than can interface several phones
> with different call signal addresses, e.g. Cisco ATA-186.
> Set up multiple static mappings, or put in DMZ.
> 2. For EP2, use a gateway, e.g. Planet VIP-400, that
> will accept setup on one port, but send the call to
> the correct phone based on called number.
> 3. Use endpoints behind NAT2 that allow you to
> specify ports other than 1720. Configure the NAT
> to map the various ports to the different EPs.
> 4. Put another GK, or a switch like Asterisk, behind
> NAT2.
> 5. Put your GK, with two network interfaces, around
> NAT2 (if two public IPs available), or configure the
> machine to also act as NAT2, if you are restricted to
> a single IP.
> 6. Replace NAT2 with one that properly proxies
> H.323.
> If you need multiple endpoints behind the same
> NAT, and have no administrative control over it,
> you may be out of luck.
> --Stewart
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "sgenius sgenius"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 12:31 PM
> Subject: NAT through about gnugk
> > Hello~everybody
> > i do some NAT through test about gnugk
> > I use the older version gnugk 2.0.6
> > my environment is follow
> > GK
> > / \
> > / \
> > NAT1 NAT2
> > | |
> > EP1 EP2
> > NAT throught must to solve two question
> > 1.the address in h323 potocol have be changed by NAT
> > GK will register EP's private IP.But gnugk already
> > slove the question.I check the package by use ethereal
> > address transform work well in route mode
> > 2.If EP1 and EP2 is register success in GK and GK setup is route mode
> > If i is EP1.When i make a call to EP2.
> > EP1 send a Q.931-SETUP to GK through NAT1,then GK routed the Q.931-SETUP
> > to NAT2.But NAT2 drop the Q.931-SETUP message.Because NAT2 have not
> > EP2's static address mapping.If i setup the NAT2 static mapping EP2
> > the call will work well.
> >
> > setup NAT2 static mapping will solve question 2
> > but most voip user can not do NAT2 static mapping
> > and static mapping only server one voip user behind NAT
> > i do not know that gnugk have any solve solution about question 2.(public
> address to NAT)
> > If have any more good solution for question 2.Pleae tell me ..thanks
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