Dear All,
Can anybody tell me how to add multiple
endpoints/gatekeeper in gnu gk ini file?
i have a gatekeeper that handle us & canada
calls and i have registered that gatekeeper in my gnu gakeeper. And now i have
another gatekeeper that handles europe & asia destinations. i want to add
this one also to my gnu gatekeeper. i have tried registering the gatekeeper in
[Endpoint] of gatekeeper.ini. its works perfectly with single gatekeeper ip but
when i tried to register the second gatekeeper ip, it gives ARJ response. Below
gatekeeper.ini file detail:
this one works fine :
gatekeeper = ip_address
this one does not work :
gatekeeper = ip_address 1
gatekeeper = ip_address
2 [RasSrv::ReWriteE164]
1000=2000 3000=4000
i have also tried registering both the gatekeepers with [RasSrv::Neighbor]
and [RasSrv::PermenantEndPoint] but this is also not working.
if anybody has done it before kindly help me
Thanks in advance.
Regards =========================
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