Hello everyone on the opehh323gk-users list! :-)
I'm *new to the list* and to GnuGK; and thus have a lot of, probably, "naive" questions ;-)
But, *please* bear with me! I'm trying to learn.
I spent the whole weekend 4 weeks ago reading and trying to figure out how to make MyPhone work using the GnuGK as a proxy - but I always seemed to fail. :-(
___________ Environment
Platform: Windows/NT 4.0
- GnuGK 2.2 beta 4 ( binary downloaded from http://gnugk.org/h323develop.html ) - MyPhone 0.2b12 ( binary downloaded from http://myphone.sourceforge.net/ )
Network Topology:
+------------------------+ | openam @ voxgratia.org | ??? +------------------------+ | | Internet (I) | | +------------------------+ | mywall @ somewhere.org | Firewall/NAT +------------------------+ | Localnet (L) | +------------------------+ | myhost @ my-local-net | Local Machine +------------------------+ | /\ (b) | | / \ | | (a) / GnuGk | | / / | | MyPhone | | | +------------------------+
# Gatekeeper.ini
[Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 TimeToLive=300
[GkStatus::Auth] rule=explicit default=forbid
[RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 CallSignalPort=1721 CallSignalHandlerNumber=1 AcceptNeighborsCalls=0 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 Q931PortRange=30000-39999 H245PortRange=40000-49999
[Proxy] Enable=1 T120PortRange=50000-59999 RTPPortRange=50000-59999
__________ Background
In order to verify that MyPhone works for making non-gatekeeper routed call, I've been using the openam service kindly provided by VoxGratia.org.
After having entered my public IP-address (i.e. the public address of "MyFirewall") in MyPhone's 'Settings->Network-NAT router' field, I can call openam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx and listen to that message. (If I don't specify the 'NAT router' it will fail).
This corresponds to the route (a) - (L) - (I) in the Network Topology above.
_________ Challenge
Now I want to achive the same result, by proxying the call via GnuGK i.e. using route (b) - (L) - (I).
I can't make that work. MyPhone registers with GnuGK and a connection seems to be established with openam, but I never get to hear the message.
I've "fiddled" around with the gnugk config file but haven't managed to make it work. (See below)
I've even tried making "MyHost@my-local-net" an "exposed server".
__________ Conclusion
This leads me to believe I have to specify my public IP somewhere in the GnuGK config. But where and how?
It could - of course - also be that MyPhone and GnuGK don't get along very well. I cannot judge and therefore I cc this message to the author of MyPhone, Michael Gerdov (who BTW is not subscribed to the openh323gk-users list).
Or the GnuGK 2.2 beta 4 proxy mode is broken?
Any *help* in order to make me advance with this would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards, Rolf Sponsel
-- ---- ------ --------
Rolf Sponsel
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