You don't need to post the same question 3 times. A much better way is to post it once and wait a while to see if someone will answer it... ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Tam" <development@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:00 PM Hi everyone, In the manual, the description of SupportNATedEndpoints says that if this option is set yes, the gatekeeper will translate the IP address in Q.931 and H.245 channel into the IP of NAT box. If I have a endpoint(private IP) located behind NAT box (public IP). When my endpoint registers with the gatekeeper, although the registration is successful, I can only see the private IP of endpoint in RCF message viewed from status port. This is what my problem is. I cannot dial to this endpoint as it uses private IP. Can I use the Public IP (NAT box) instead? Do GnuGk have this capability now? Best Regards, Thomas Tam CyberTel Works Limited (852) 2637 2221 ext 20 ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: GNOME Foundation Hackers Unite! GUADEC: The world's #1 Open Source Desktop Event. GNOME Users and Developers European Conference, 28-30th June in Norway http://2004/ _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Homepage: