Hi ZM, As all port fields - nport, peport and port - in the sample sql are now INTs and NOT NULL, and avoid any accidental white space in peprefix, we can write it as:- PermanentEndpointsQuery=SELECT peip, IF(peport, peport, 1720) As peport, pealias, IF(LENGTH(TRIM(peprefix)), TRIM(peprefix), NULL) As peprefix FROM petable WHERE GatekeeperId = '%1' Each of the 4 SQLConfig Queires code in Toolkit.cxx will have to be vetted for such hardcoding. The manual and code should also make the optional fields NULL and the required fields NOT NULL and indicate where an INT is permissible (like port). The download is now updated with consistent naming in both sql and ini along with above corrections and thaty for the PasswordTimeout typo at:- http://www.acefone.com/sqlconfig-eg.zip (2.4KB) Regards, Ap.Muthu apmuthu@xxxxxxx >From: "Zygmuntowicz Michal" <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> >Subject: Re: SQLConfig - PermanentEndPointsQuery on blank or NULL Port, Prefix >Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 12:00:50 +0200 >You could write: >PermanentEndpointsQuery=SELECT peip, IF(LENGTH(peport), peport, 1720) As >peport, pealias, IF(LENGTH(peprefix), peprefix, NULL) As peprefix FROM petable >WHERE GatekeeperId = '%1' >to fix this. But the fix in the code is also necessary to have an elegant solution. Thanks >for pointing this out! ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system administration.http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=1470&alloc_id=3638&op=click _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/