If we want to allow Aliases based on AliasAuth(RasSrv::RRQAuth) or SQLAliasAuth, the authrule conditions coupled with confirm/reject allow/deny of the default parameters is very confusing. After reasonable experimentation with the gatekeeper.ini options, the following seems to work:- [Gatekeeper::Auth] SimplePasswordAuth=optional;RRQ SQLPasswordAuth=optional;RRQ AliasAuth=optional;RRQ,ARQ SQLAliasAuth=optional;RRQ,ARQ default=reject [RasSrv::RRQAuth] MYEP5=allow [SQLPasswordAuth] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gkcontrol User=gnugk Password=secret CacheTimeout=300 Query=SELECT h235password FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND IS active [SQLAliasAuth] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gkcontrol User=gnugk Password=secret CacheTimeout=300 Query=SELECT CONCAT('sigip:',host,':',port) as authrule FROM users WHERE alias = '%1' AND GatekeeperId = '%2' AND active Also an ODBC SystemDSN and MySQL User (ODBC) will need to be created for the database used in Win32 till the GK code is updated. Kindly note that the entry:- default=deny or default=allow are conspicuously missing from the last 3 Auth sections above. This is what caused so much misery in finding out what works. The manual should be updated to explain [Gatekeeper::Auth] - "optional":- <item><tt/optional/ - If the rule cannot determine the request, it is passed to next rule. If a default entry of allow / deny or confirm / reject is available, it too will be used in determining the request. So if a default entry is given, then it will certainly yield a result. But if it is able to determine the request and if the default=deny entry is present, it will deny the request and prevent any further processing. If the default entry is missing and if it is unable to determine the request, then it is passed on to the next rule. If the default entry=allow is present and it is unable to determine the request, then also it is passed onto the the next rule. I hope this helps in understanding the effect of cumulative rule sets. If an alias has it's ennty as "allow" in the ini file's [RasSrv::RRQAuth] and also has it's IP and port details in the SQLAliasAuth database and each is in a different admin's control, and only such endpoints that satisfy both must be allowed, then the default=deny parameter would be useful. ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system administration.http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id70&alloc_id638&opÌk _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id?49 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/