Hello ZM, I too realised the host of changes and used the last cvs on 1st April for PWLib (1 MB) and OpenH323 (9MB) - and it compiled well with MySQL on Win2K for both v2.08cvs and v22b4cvs. Even the new [RasSrv::E164Rewrite] is able to be taken correctly but the temporary gatekeeper.ini file is not being created now. I expect the contents are now in memory. To compile MySQL, I had to include the libmySQL.lib in the Release and debug Builds, put HAS_MYSQL(=1 for v22b4) in the preprocessor definitions for both the above builds and point the Global library path to c:\mysql\lib\opt and finally use the libmySQL.dll in the same folder as the gnugk.exe and all worked fine. Minor changes as advised for bison.simple in postincrement.com and putting a dummy unistd.h in vc98/include folder have been observed. Also the default dsw/dsp files use the German language as the default for compilation - I had to set it to English(US) for assumed better results for me. Actually the sources for the best tested version of PWLib and OpenH323 for each build of gnugk should be put on the sf site as the www.openh323.org is now not updated and the openh323's sf site does not have the "pwtest" and some other files in the recently released versions which are usually available in the pwlib_win32 checkout module option in cvs. This prevents us from easily compiling the souces when taken off the sf site as far as OpenH323 / PWLib are concerned. The recent TortoiseCVS v1.6.7 is a fine program to grab the cvs sources - also available at sf.net. Regards. Ap.Muthu >From: "Zygmuntowicz Michal" <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> >Subject: Re: GKv208cvs - radproto.cxx PObject error >Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 11:40:36 +0200 >Do not use the latest PWLib/OpenH323 from the cvs, >as there are lots of changes. >We will wait a bit until the changes are completed >and then fix GnuGk compatibility. ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system administration.http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=1470&alloc_id=3638&op=click _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/