David Winter Senior Network Engineer Planet-Telecom, Inc. Tampa FL (813)901-5182 Office (813)864-3162 Direct (813)817-4204 Mobile (813)881-9762 Fax ------------------------------------------ AIM: mobofool ICQ: 3563403 MSN: dwinter@xxxxxx Y!: vt_fool
Vance Shipley wrote:
You didn't mention what operating system you plan to use.
On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:50:47PM -0500, david winter wrote:
} Can anyone tell me thier max capacity reached and what hardware config } they did it on in PROXY mode? I want to run GnuGK 2.2.4 in ProxyMode and } I am planning on buying a dual Xeon 2.4, with 2GB RAM, and dual GigE } Intel NICs. It would only be doing GnuGK Proxy, no other services. } Anyone have an idea how many connections i could maintain? Estimate? Thanks!
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