Re: Neighboring question[SOLVED-bugfix]

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The bug description was sent to the users list, however after looking
for the source codes I found that this is not a configuration issue
but a bug in code (most probably).

Short description:
The ForwardHopCount option was not used in routing decision.

Longer description:

bool NeighborPolicy::OnRequest(LocationRequest & lrq_obj)
        RasMsg *ras = lrq_obj.GetWrapper();
        List::iterator iter = find_if(m_neighbors.begin(), m_neighbors.end(), bind2nd(mem_fun(&Neighbor::IsAcceptable), ras));
        Neighbor *requester = (iter != m_neighbors.end()) ? *iter : 0;
        int hopCount = 0;
        if (requester)
                if (requester->ForwardLRQ() < 0)
                        return false;
                else if (requester->ForwardLRQ() > 0)
                        hopCount = 1;

        H225_LocationRequest & lrq = (*ras)->m_recvRAS;
        if (lrq.HasOptionalField(H225_LocationRequest::e_hopCount)) {
                hopCount = lrq.m_hopCount - 1;
                if (hopCount)
                        lrq.m_hopCount = hopCount;
        if (!hopCount)
                return false;

If I set ForwardLRQ=always, I had a  good workaround. The default
ForwardLRQ's values is depends, which is not handled in previouse
code. So hopCount=0.
The LRQ request had no hopCount field, so the hopCount variable
remained 0, thus the OnRequest function returned with false.

Here is a simple bugfix (I'm not sure if it is 100% correct) agains
anon. CVS (2_2):
 cvs diff -u Neighbor.cxx
Index: Neighbor.cxx
RCS file: /cvsroot/openh323gk/openh323gk/Neighbor.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 Neighbor.cxx
--- Neighbor.cxx        9 Mar 2004 11:36:42 -0000       1.19
+++ Neighbor.cxx        19 Mar 2004 23:57:54 -0000
@@ -853,6 +853,11 @@
                        return false;
                else if (requester->ForwardLRQ() > 0)
                        hopCount = 1;
+               else {
+                       hopCount = requester->GetDefaultHopCount() - 1;
+                       if (hopCount < 0)
+                               hopCount = 0;
+               }

        H225_LocationRequest & lrq = (*ras)->m_recvRAS;
        if (lrq.HasOptionalField(H225_LocationRequest::e_hopCount)) {

Kind regards,

Friday, March 19, 2004, 8:57:25 PM, Thomas wrote:
T> Hello,

T> I have 3 GKs interconnected theirselves with neighboring.
T> GK1-GK2-GK3
T> I would like to forward LRQs on GK2 coming from GK1 to GK3. I set up
T> routing but somehow it doesn't  work.
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 5                job.cxx(186)   JOB    
T> Starting Job LRQ at Worker thread 9223
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 1             RasSrv.cxx(306)   RAS     LRQ Received
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 2            Toolkit.cxx(291)
T> RewritePString: 111111 to 1212#1111
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 4               gkauth.h(113)   GkAuth  default check ok
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 5              Routing.h(117)   ROUTING
T> Checking policy Internal for the request LRQ 59
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 5              Routing.h(117)   ROUTING
T> Checking policy Neighbor for the request LRQ 59
T> 2004/03/19 20:17:27.289 2             RasSrv.cxx(351)
T> LRJ|<gk1ip>|1212#111:dialedDigits|<gk1id>|requestDenied

T> Call from an endpoint registered under GK2 goes normally to GK3
T> through LRQ, so I don't think it's the problem. Also, I can call from
T> an endpoint registered to GK1 an endpoint registered under GK2.

T> Configuration on GK2:
T> [RasSrv::LRQFeatures]
T> NeighborTimeout=2
T> IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1
T> CiscoGKCompatible=1
T> ForwardHopCount=2
T> AcceptForwardedLRQ=1
T> ForwardResponse=1

T> [Neighbor::GK3]
T> Host=<gk3ip>
T> Dynamic=0
T> SendPrefixes=1212#
T> AcceptForwardedLRQ=1

T> [Neighbor::GK1]
T> Host=<gk1ip>
T> Dynamic=0
T> AcceptPrefixes=1212#
T> AcceptForwardedLRQ=1
T> ForwardHopCount=2

T> [RoutingPolicy]
T> Default=internal,neighbor,parent

T> Thanks in advance,
T>         Thomas

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