Full Proxy or Not?

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I have a question regarding people's experience with the different
modes provided by the gnugk.

Currently, I am using 2.0.7 in full proxy mode for all calls (data
+ signal). This means that for my users I am billed 2x the bandwidth
(they are all external to our network, so I get hit twice with the in-
and out-going data).

Which mode is recommended (routed or full proxy) to ensure as many people
can connect to each other as possible. In full proxy mode, everything is
great, and if there is any issues it is usually at the user's end (like
the Windows internet connection sharing preventing all incoming calls).

If I can, I'd like to drop to Routed mode, but I can not use my users
as guinea pigs to test all viable combinations.

Thanks in advance!

Tony Holmes

Founder and Senior Systems Architect
Crosswinds Internet Communications Inc.

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