thanx for ur reply..
1. gnugk 2.0.7
2. latest pwlib and openh323 lib from cvs
3. i have made librarys using make opt same with gnugk too.
\Zygmuntowicz Michal <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Please write then more details about your setup:
1. GnuGk version (is it from the website or is it the fresh cvs version)
2. PWLib and OpenH323 library versions being used.
3. Commands used to build the libraries and GnuGk.
You can enable RTTI in the latest PWLib using:
configure --enable-rtti
make clean
make optdepend
make opt
>i am new for linux. so, i don\'t know abt this... is there any particular mechanism to configure pwlib with enable rtti ?
>plz guide me regarding this.
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