Hello,everybody! I have seen your passage in the openh323 user forum. I need your help ! I can't config gnugk to run good. Always no voice transferred if proxy flag is enabled ! Anyone who have successfully configed the gnugk can give any suggestion? NATed Ep --> Pulibc IP GK --> CISCO AS5300 -> PSTN.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~网易VIP收费邮箱两周年超值优惠! 满1赠6!! http://vip.163.com 中国最大的免费邮箱在等你 25兆空间4兆附件! http://mail.163.com 点击网易泡泡惊喜无限 全免费手机短信任你发! http://popo.163.com???????????????????????,?膦?o/谣?J肢?.?Щ)γh灭n?Z?^?2j???觑????甭+ai?x5C?砹??_??下?$6??i??翔辟??????Yhs?篾)rO???????????????????螬zxw?$?????.??????????膦贶y???哝j)Z?b斤撷沪?i?+?忏谚?Z?岫??0螟'???