Hello, is there anybody using gnugk run with cisco 5300? I have specified the cisco gateway ip in the Permanent section, and also SupportNatedEndPoints is enabled. The signal goes well, but no voice. endpoints(behind nat) --> gk ---> cisco5300 -->pstn Who can help me ? Thanks in advance ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~网易VIP收费邮箱两周年超值优惠! 满1赠6!! http://vip.163.com 中国最大的免费邮箱在等你 25兆空间4兆附件! http://mail.163.com 点击网易泡泡惊喜无限 全免费手机短信任你发! http://popo.163.com???????????????????????篆zf?+,?膦?o!?lx*'?8>乏???阀q?:?N???Z)??wH??????n?v?|G%?i??r??娅??p'j???m????η?璁璞??????????????????蜮策违獒???z??-雏(悍~?{?窜?撖m???q玷??????????a?璁????????鹈????