Hi folks, I've tried to compile version 2.0.6 with mysql support, but I was not able to get it up and running. The compilation runs thru, but if I start the gk with the correct configuration I simply get the message MySQLAliasAuth unknown. If I use the preompiled version, the mysql support works. mysql++ 1.7.9 is installed as well as all other needed libraries. I compile the gk using the following command NO_RADIUS=1 NO_LDAP=1 make both Any suggestions?? Cheers, Kewin ------------------------------------------------------- The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004 Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA. http://www.eclipsecon.org/osdn _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/