Hi, Try to get level 5 trace log (-ttttt) and see what's going wrong... Andrey. > Secondly I can't for the life of me get radacct working - it's definitely > there - output from gnugk -ttt .... > 2003/11/25 11:38:57.500 1 gkacct.cxx(128) GKACCT Created module RadAcct with event mask 3 > 2003/11/25 11:40:43.666 3 radacct.cxx(459) RADACCT Acct undetermined - could not send Accounting-Request PDU (evt:1, call no:1) > > GK.2.0.6 binary for Linux on RH.9 > > I've tested the radius server and can send accouting messages from other > applications / NAS's which work's fine - just not the GK - although this > appears to a failure even to send from the code - any ideas as to what I > check next? - I've set the accounting port to 1646 (I know this has now > been moved but that's we use internally) if this has any bearing? > > Any help/pointers etc? (I've read the manual .... ;-) > Regards > Mark > -- > Mark Vevers. mark@ifl.net / mark@vevers.net > Principal Internet Engineer, Internet for Learning, > Research Machines Plc. (AS5503) ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: SF.net Giveback Program. Does SourceForge.net help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code? SHARE THE LOVE, and help us help YOU! Click Here: http://sourceforge.net/donate/ _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/