Hi, I'm trying using GNUGK(v2.07) to connect a Radius server. But I have some problem about it. I can create call by sending Radius info. But when I set DRQ request in RadAliasAuth option, GK will not send Call End message to my Radius server. If I use "start,stop" option in Gatekeeper::Acct section, it sends Call End info to Radius, but my Radius server can not recognize the entire info. Can anyone help me? Wait for your information. Thanks! Yours Jerry ???????????????????????甸?X?????H_?癣芥?C擘?痂z抹悍?{??ェ*.m楱?k≯?+撄:?azZr㈢+y?m?z?u镆DLq9Q?wazZn?ゥ??brA蕲镝囤??悍~?{?拂h?^??????????????????.+-?^?鲛 ?谦躇b槽??q玷????b斤岫??(悍~?{?幅?V??麒??????z&z?{???0??O?