voice service voip h323 session
transport tcp calls-per-connection 1 h245 tunnel
disable h245 caps mode restricted
This was finally the solution for me, found earlier in this list.
Applied it to both GWs (both AS5400 IOS 12.3) and everything woks just fine
Problem seemed to be that too many Facility messages were exchanged during a
call between CallProcceding and Alerting and after applying this to both GWs I
observed that only one Facility message was exhanged.
Thank you for your help
From: Ray Jackman <ray@ha...>
Re: Problem with a Cisco AS5400
2003-11-10 06:18 |
> > Please search trough the list - there have been a lot of postings on the
> > subject in the last few days...
> It was my question. I not getting valid reply. I set SignalReadTimeout=10000 in [Main]
section. Calls go successfulli. But i dont think that this decision. Please send here logs
cisco and gnugk.
i have seen this problem before when one gateway does not receive correct ISDN signal for
answer so even tho voice channel is open usnig early245 or faststart, one gateway does not
know call is answered so times out as if it rang too long. sometimes this is issue of ISDN
signal type, sometimes i have seen this to be faststart issue. not sure if this is your
From: Stelios V. Vaiopoulos
Problem with a Cisco AS5400
2003-11-10 04:14 |
Hi all,
I have the following configuration:
Cisco AS5400 -> GNUGK v2.0.6 (routed mode) -> Cisco GW
GNUGK receives directly Call Setup from the AS5400 and directs it to the ending GW.
The problem is that the calls don't last more than 30-50 seconds and they turn down with a
Release Complete reason "Recovery on timer expiry" from the originating GW. Cisco site
didn't help much as they talk about T304, T310 ISDN timers which not apply on the current
configuration of the AS5400.
I also observed that between Proceeding and Alerting messages I usually get a
"Proxy....read timeout?" message from the AS5400 and also I sometimes receive duplicate Call
Setups from it.
Pings between the AS5400 and GNUGK are near 200ms and another 150ms is between GNUGK and
ending GW, so there must be no network problem.
Testing from a local softphone I have no problems at all.
Any help on that would be appreciated.
Stelios Vaiopoulos
From: Andrey S Pankov <casper@kb...>
Re: Problem with a Cisco AS5400
2003-11-10 04:35 |
Please search trough the list - there have been a lot of postings on the
subject in the last few days...
÷ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ ÏÔ ðÏÎÅÄÅÌØÎÉË 10 îÏÑÂÒØ 2003 14:14 Stelios V. Vaiopoulos ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ:
> Hi all,
> I have the following configuration:
> Cisco AS5400 -> GNUGK v2.0.6 (routed mode) -> Cisco GW
> GNUGK receives directly Call Setup from the AS5400 and directs it to the
ending GW.
> The problem is that the calls don't last more than 30-50 seconds and they
turn down with a Release Complete reason "Recovery on timer expiry" from the
originating GW. Cisco site didn't help much as they talk about T304, T310
ISDN timers which not apply on the current configuration of the AS5400.
> I also observed that between Proceeding and Alerting messages I usually get
a "Proxy....read timeout?" message from the AS5400 and also I sometimes
receive duplicate Call Setups from it.
> Pings between the AS5400 and GNUGK are near 200ms and another 150ms is
between GNUGK and ending GW, so there must be no network problem.
> Testing from a local softphone I have no problems at all.
> Any help on that would be appreciated.
> Stelios Vaiopoulos
From: Warp <warp@ad...>
Re: Problem with a Cisco AS5400
2003-11-10 05:27 |
> Please search trough the list - there have been a lot of postings on the
> subject in the last few days...
It was my question. I not getting valid reply. I set SignalReadTimeout=10000 in [Main]
section. Calls go successfulli. But i dont think that this decision. Please send here logs
from cisco and gnugk.
> Andrey.
> ÷ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ ÏÔ ðÏÎÅÄÅÌØÎÉË 10 îÏÑÂÒØ 2003 14:14 Stelios V. Vaiopoulos ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have the following configuration:
> >
> > Cisco AS5400 -> GNUGK v2.0.6 (routed mode) -> Cisco GW
> >
> > GNUGK receives directly Call Setup from the AS5400 and directs it to the
> ending GW.
> > The problem is that the calls don't last more than 30-50 seconds and they
> turn down with a Release Complete reason "Recovery on timer expiry" from the
> originating GW. Cisco site didn't help much as they talk about T304, T310
> ISDN timers which not apply on the current configuration of the AS5400.
> >
> > I also observed that between Proceeding and Alerting messages I usually get
> a "Proxy....read timeout?" message from the AS5400 and also I sometimes
> receive duplicate Call Setups from it.
> > Pings between the AS5400 and GNUGK are near 200ms and another 150ms is
> between GNUGK and ending GW, so there must be no network problem.
> >
> > Testing from a local softphone I have no problems at all.
> >
> > Any help on that would be appreciated.
> >
> > Stelios Vaiopoulos
> >
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