Here is changelog entry from openh323gk v2_0 CVS: Revision - (download), view (text) (markup) (annotate) - [select for diffs] Thu Oct 16 22:13:07 2003 UTC (5 days, 13 hours ago) by willamowius Branch: v2_0 Changes since +3 -3 lines Diff to previous , to branch point 1.50 Bugfix: make sure ACFs from printcurrentcalls have same format as normal ACFs -- Best regards, Andrey S Pankov. > Prior to the Sept 18th, 2003 CVS Update to v2.06/7, a "printcurrentcalls" > command to the gatekeeper status port would yield:- > > Call No. 237 | CallID 00 04 0f 00 a2 29 02 87 7e 76 f5 b2 13 a4 27 03 | 776 > | 1024 > Dial 9842291535:dialedDigits=3326:dialedDigits > ACF||6093 isogk1|5957; > ACF||6097 isogk1|5957; > Number of Calls: 1 Active: 1 From Neighbor: 0 From Parent: 0 > ; > > But now, after the Update, we get:- > > Call No. 237 | CallID 00 04 0f 00 a2 29 02 87 7e 76 f5 b2 13 a4 27 03 | 776 > | 1024 > Dial 9842291535:dialedDigits=3326:dialedDigits > ACF||6093 isogk1|5957|TERMGWID:h323 > ID=501:dialedDigits|SRCGWID:h323 ID=101:dialedDigits|false; > ACF||6097 isogk1|5957|SRCGWID:h323 > ID=101:dialedDigits|SRCGWID:h323 ID=101:dialedDigits|true; Number of Calls: > 1 Active: 1 From Neighbor: 0 From Parent: 0 > ; > > This will yield a poor display in PHPGNUgkstatus (although still correct). > The above change is not reflected in the manual.sgml in the cvs as yet. > > If this is towards standardisation, is there any attempt to code in a > Destination GW/EP ID into the CDR message as well? > > Regards, > Ap.Muthu > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------- > This email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations > Here's your chance to show off your extensive product knowledge > We want to know what you know. Tell us and you have a chance to win $100 > > > List: > Archive: id?49 > Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations Here's your chance to show off your extensive product knowledge We want to know what you know. Tell us and you have a chance to win $100 _______________________________________________ List: Archive: Homepage: