hello, can anybody help me out on this
one? the following describe what i want to do and what i have
done, thx
problem: how do i config gnugk to allow pre-defined
gateways registering gatekeeper? either by IP or h323ID or
what i have done: so far, i believe
[RasSrv::RRQAuth] is the solution to my problem. (the only one?)
if i read the help files correctly, condition should be set as follows: "10=sigip:"
meaning allow gateway from to
register with alias 10.
however, i have not been able to block out
gateway(with other IP address) from registering using alias 10.
any help is
appreciated. ---------------------------------------------
Neo-Online Corporation Next Gen Networking Expert Marty Chen System Engineer Tel: +886-2-7707-7988 ext 151 Cell: +886-960-516-560 Email: marty-chen@neo-ol.com |