--- Hemant Kumar <smith@hmhtel.com> wrote: > can you send your patch once again ? > Not as patch :-( Only description. And this is for 2.0.3 or 2.0.4- I don't remember. in RasTbl.h I added following method to class EndpointRec int ActiveCalls(); inline int EndpointRec::ActiveCalls() { return m_activeCall; } and in RasTbl.cxx now InternalFindEP looks following: endptr RegistrationTable::InternalFindEP(const H225_ArrayOf_AliasAddress & alias, list<EndpointRec *> *List, bool roundrobin) { endptr ep = InternalFind(bind2nd(mem_fun(&EndpointRec::CompareAlias), &alias), List); if (ep) { PTRACE(4, "Alias match for EP " << AsDotString(ep->GetCallSignalAddress())); return ep; } int maxlen = 0; list<EndpointRec *> GWlist; listLock.StartRead(); const_iterator Iter = List->begin(), IterLast = List->end(); while (Iter != IterLast) { if ((*Iter)->IsGateway()) { int len = dynamic_cast<GatewayRec *>(*Iter)->PrefixMatch(alias); if (maxlen < len) { GWlist.clear(); maxlen = len; } if (maxlen == len) GWlist.push_back(*Iter); } ++Iter; } listLock.EndRead(); if (GWlist.size() > 0) { EndpointRec *e = GWlist.front(); if ((GWlist.size() > 1) && roundrobin) { PTRACE(3, ANSI::DBG << "Prefix apply round robin" << ANSI::OFF); WriteLock lock(listLock); List->remove(e); List->push_back(e); //getting gateway with less call number int calls=65535; const_iterator Iter_dm=GWlist.begin(), IterLast_dm=GWlist.end(); while (Iter_dm != IterLast_dm) { if ((*Iter_dm)->ActiveCalls() <= calls) { calls=(*Iter_dm)->ActiveCalls(); PTRACE(1, "Calls " << calls<<"\n"); e=*Iter_dm; } ++Iter_dm; } } PTRACE(4, "Alias match for GW " << AsDotString(e->GetCallSignalAddress())); return endptr(e); } return endptr(0); } __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now. Download today and enter to win an XBOX or Visual Studio .NET. http://aspnet.click-url.com/go/psa00100003ave/direct;at.aspnet_072303_01/01 _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/