Good Morning Everyone,
Sorry for asking this question many times...
Now I am working on Linux system (RedHat 9, 2.4.20-18.9)...
I have pwlib and openh323 installed and compiled successfully, together with GNUGK 2.0.5. - Downloaded mysql++-1.7.9-4.rh9.src.rpm
from website and installed the rpm with:
rpm -ivh mysql++-1.7.9-4.rh9.src.rpm
Now my question is:
1) How can I compile GNUGK with MySQL
2) Do I have to add any code in gkauth.cxx
3) How can I re-compile the source code
after make some changes?
Please help... I am abit new on this part of
Thank you for your help...
Regards Nitesh