Hi, all, Who knows the answer to following question?? ------------------------------------------- From: Florian Winterstein <f-win@gm...> gnugk + openphone/ohphone H.235 problem 2002-11-03 06:45 Hello all, I have a problem with the H.235 password registration: 1. gnugk build under Debian linux 2. added a password with addpasswd Gatekeeper.ini fwin 123 2. using the precompiled win binaries ohphone -u fwin --password 123 -g xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -l The gk answers with a RRJ (securityDenial)! I found the following entry in the gk log file date time 1 h235auth.cxx(383) H235RAS H235AuthSimpleMD5 digest does not match. Do you know whats the problem? Best regards, Florian ???????????????????????甸?X????? 篆Pmz{b??7?Z)z???Z????' 篆Pz,?????甾??骗y????1┶??o丌??????i⒉权? z?y?j?1┶?G⑺b?m??0?薅镧z唛j?z库?炳????????????????????????O畋觎??响㈥?????r??????????f???摭????⒒?'?=?エ?m???{??