I understand my problem is not specifically related to GNUGK, yet I'm hoping that someone out there who has encountered this problem or have any suggestions can help me out. Since I'm trying to upgrade the GNUGK on my RedHat 8.0 server to 2.0.4, I've decided to upgrade the PWLIB & H323 as well. I've compiled pwlib v.1.5.0 without any problems, yet once I start to do the ./configure on the H323 class library v.1.12.0, the checks says I have missing Ptlib-config. I've tried to recompile the PWLib again then do the ./configure on the H323 library, yet it has the same problem. Which version of PWLIB & H.323 class library is preferred to run with GNUGK 2.0.4?!? Are there any restrictions or suggested version of PWLIB & H323 library should be running with GNUGK 2.0.4?? Any help regarding this missing PTLib-config is greatly appreciated! ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at www.etnus.com. _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/