[Openh323gk-users] Pre-fix authorization question....

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For some reason I notice that if you use the Prefix
authorization module and combine this with a E164
re-write the caller is authorized twice which kind of
defits the purpose of prefix authorization... I don't
know if anyone has notice this issue ???

Caller has prefix 1234 and we need to route call to
We authorized 1234 with IP and re-write 1234
to 233,
Then if we do not authorize IP -> to send to
233 the call will fail.

Sample config follows ...


1234=allow ipv4: | deny ipv4:0/0
233=allow ipv4: | deny ipv4:0/0
ALL=deny ipv4:0/0


Ideal scenario will be as follow 

1234=allow ipv4: | deny ipv4:0/0
ALL=deny ipv4:0/0

This way is a true preifx authorization, once the
caller has being acepted with it's calling pre-fix we
can re-write the number and send it to our giving
destination ... It's seems that the GnuGk want's to
authenticate the call after it's being re-written...
Does any one has experience this problem and does any
one has a work around it ???

--- openh323gk-users-request@lists.sourceforge.net
> Send Openh323gk-users mailing list submissions to
> 	openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
> is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Openh323gk-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: about Radius (Jeremy McNamara)
>    2. Re: about Radius (Vlasis Hatzistavrou)
>    3. Re: about Radius (Teodor Georgiev)
>    4. Re: How to show dialDigit in the CallID? (Jan
> Marek)
>    5. Re: T120 proxy question
> (wongcws@it.dch.com.hk)
>    6. Re: GNUGK to Cisco GK (Jochen Ackermann)
>    7. Re: about Radius (Zygmuntowicz Michal)
>    8. Re: about Radius (Boris Kovalenko)
>    9. How to find out class H225_xxx cource code?
> (Alex)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 03:42:17 -0400
> From: Jeremy McNamara <jj@indie.org>
> To: openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Openh323gk-users] about Radius
> Reply-To: openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Vlasis Hatzistavrou wrote:
> >I tend to agree with Teodor.
> >
> >Even if RADIUS was made to support dial-up and not
> voice, now all commer=
> cial and
> >even open source packages support it. So, even if
> VSA's etc are indeed a=
>  problem,
> >the Cisco VSA's at least tend to become a de-facto
> standard.
> > =20
> >
> Cisco's VSA's are broken.  They make it very very
> hard to do pre-paid=20
> calling. Everyone says they have a solution, but
> none of them work=20
> really well. They are either overcomplicated or only
> allow a single call=20
> per account number.
> Jeremy McNamara
> >Consider the situation where you already have a
> billing system in place =
> for some
> >gateways who support RADIUS and you need to have a
> central billing syste=
> m to
> >support your the GNUGK as well.
> >
> >At this moment, I believe there is no alternative
> other than RADIUS. It =
> is widely
> >used and accepted.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >Vlasis.
> >
> >Teodor Georgiev wrote:
> >
> > =20
> >
> >>   IMHO, Radius is really needed for a GK. Some of
> the users here claim=
>  that
> >>Radius should be used only in prepaid (+IVR) VoIP
> applications.
> >>But the situation is the same in all the carriers.
> >>You have customers and each of them has paid you a
> deposit (let say, $8=
> 00).
> >>Your gatekeeper must do realtime billing, so once
> his (customer's) depo=
> sit is
> >>topped-up, the GK must put his account 'on-hold'.
> >>IMHO, Radius is the best solution here as well,
> though not all of the V=
> oIP
> >>equipment vendors support it. Cisco, Quintum,
> Voicemaster do. IMHO, all=
>  the
> >>reputable VoIP equipment companies support Radius.
> >>
> >>
> >>On Friday 06 June 2003 01:23, VOIP Europe wrote:
> >>   =20
> >>
> >>><html><div style=3D'background-color:'><DIV>
> >>><DIV><FONT size=3D2>
> >>><DIV>Dear sir ,</DIV>
> >>><DIV>We are a new carrier.At the beginning we
> just want to use the GNU=
> GK to
> >>>route the volums between terminations and we want
> to konw whether we m=
> ust
> >>>need a Radius Server or not.If we must do you
> know where we can downlo=
> ad a
> >>>free Radius for Windows becaus we use GNUGK
> windows 2.0.4 version.Than=
> ks a
> >>>lot.</DIV> <DIV>and another point</DIV>
> >>><DIV>in [RoutedMode]section
> =
> our Biz
> >>>is must be&nbsp;used or not?</DIV> <DIV>Best
> Regards</DIV>
> >>><DIV>Jimmy</DIV></FONT></DIV></DIV></div><br
> clear=3Dall><hr>=C3=E2=B7=
> =D1=CF=C2=D4=D8 <a
> >>>href=3D"http://g.msn.com/8HMRCN/2746??PS=3D";>MSN
> Explorer</a> </html>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>     =20
> >>>
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 11:12:19 +0300
> From: Vlasis Hatzistavrou <vhatz@auth.gr>
> To: openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Openh323gk-users] about Radius
> Reply-To: openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Hi Jeremy,
> Indeed, they are far from perfect. However, many
> VoIP GW's or proxies do =
> prepaid
> operations with them...
> Indeed they are compicated, but as I know that they
> allow multiple calls =
> per user...
> Since you say that they allow a single call per
> account number I am sure =
> you must have
> good reasons.
> If you have the time, would you care to elaborate a
> bit on this off-list,=
>  since other
> users are probably not interested in this subject
> within the context of t=
> his mailing
> list?
> Best regards,
> Vlasis.
> Jeremy McNamara wrote:
> > Vlasis Hatzistavrou wrote:
> >
> > >I tend to agree with Teodor.
> > >
> > >Even if RADIUS was made to support dial-up and
> not voice, now all comm=
> ercial and
> > >even open source packages support it. So, even if
> VSA's 
=== message truncated ===

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