Sorry for the delay (I redid the tests with JamVM =)). I've made three simple swing applications to test the current state of Escher. The applications use very basic stuff like JButton, JLabel (Text and Icons), JTextField (Pure Text and Password) and JTextArea. The test verified three environments:
- OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1) - Reference Implementation
- CACAO version 0.99.4 + GNU Classpath 0.98-5
- CACAO version 1.1.0pre (Hg) + GNU Classpath (CVS) + Escher (Hg)
- JamVM version 1.5.4 + GNU Classpath (CVS) + Escher (Hg)
alias cacaoescher='/usr/local/cacao/bin/cacao'
alias jamvmescher='/usr/local/jamvm/bin/jamvm'
First Test:
A simple questioning swing application that has one JFrame with one JButton that on a click event opens up the a JOptionFrame with the winner of the 2010 World Cup.
Src Code:

Result First Test:
- OpenJDK run normally with the usual font. (I don't like it :3)
- Cacao + GNU Classpath 'stable' had issues with the dialog icon but made the fonts anti aliased (cool!)
- Escher run had issues with the dialog icon and non anti aliased font.
- Same result from above.
Second Test:
A simple application that have 2 icons (JLabel) and a JButton, that when pressed display a third icon of GNU and Tux together.
Src code:

Result SecondTest:
- OpenJDK runs
- Cacao + GNU Classpath 'stable' had antialiased fonts again :)
- Escher run had issues with the gnu png icon and, again, with the non anti aliased font.
- Same result from above.
Third Test:
A simple form app that has some text fields, text area and a simple verifying for the password.
Src Code:

Result SecondTest:
- OpenJDK runs ok but have a problem at resizing the area (which resize to give size only after input).
- Cacao + GNU Classpath 'stable' had
antialiased fonts again but no Unicode support and problems with dialog icons.
- Escher run had issues with the non antialiased fonts and no Unicode support and problems with dialog icons.
- Same result from above.
Now after this simples tests, I tried to run with the FreeSwingApps from the wiki. Most applications failed on cacao and with escher. One cool app that worked 'was JaxoDraw which is a application to draw Feynman diagrams (physics).

Most of the other applications had errors regarding not yet implemented features, for example FreeMind gave the following error:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not yet implemented.
at freemind.modes.ControllerAdapter.<init>(
at freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapController.<init>(
And Jmol the following one:
uncaught exception: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not yet implemented.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not yet implemented.
at java.awt.Frame.setIconImage(
Escher did fine for the tests, only problems detected are not yet implemented features, anti aliased font and that error with the png. I think the overall speed was great (after the start). About the Unicode, I think, it's a problem with GNU Classpath, because the same error applied to jamvm and cacao.
Now should I start refactoring the code or try to fix some of this stuff?
Marcos Roriz
Marcos Roriz
Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação
Universidade Federal de Goiás
E-mail: marcosrorizinf@xxxxxxxxx
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