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Apologies to post this here, I know a number of people at the FOSDEM
Free Java meeting were interested in this workshop.

                   CALL FOR PAPERS

The Fourth Workshop on the Implementation, Compilation, Optimization
of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS 2009).

To be held at ECOOP 2009, on July 6th 2009

Computer programming languages, especially object-oriented languages,
are pervasive and play a significant role in computer science and
engineering life and sometime appear as ubiquitous and completely
mature. However, despite a large number of works, there still is a
clear need for solutions for efficient implementation and compilation
of OO languages in various application domains ranging from embedded
and real-time systems to desktop systems.

The ICOOOLPS workshop thus aims to address this crucial issue of
optimization, mainly but not only in OO languages, programs and
systems. It
intends to do so by bringing together researchers and practitioners
working in the field of implementation and optimization, especially
for object-oriented languages. Its main goals are identifying
fundamental bases and key current issues pertaining to the efficient
implementation, compilation and optimization of OO languages, and
outlining future challenges and research directions. An expected
output of this workshop is a synthesis identifying fundamental bases
and key current issues pertaining to the efficient implementation and
compilation of OO languages, in order to spread them further amongst
the various computing systems. It is also intended to extend this
synthesis to encompass future challenges and research directions in
the field of OO languages implementation and optimization, as well as
non-OO languages.

Topics of interest for ICOOOLPS include but are not limited to:

- implementation of fundamental OOL features:
- - inheritance (object layout, late binding, subtype test...)
- - genericity (parametric types)
- - memory management

- run-time systems:
- - compilers
- - linkers
- - virtual machines

- optimizations:
- - static and dynamic analyses
- - adaptive virtual machines
- - threads and synchronization

- resource constraints:
- - real-time systems
- - embedded systems (space, low power)...

- relevant choices and trade-offs:
- - constant time vs. non-constant time mechanisms
- - separate compilation vs. global compilation
- - dynamic loading vs. global linking
- - dynamic checking vs. proof-carrying code
- - annotations vs. no annotations

This workshop is obviously focusing on object-oriented languages, but
also extends its domain of interest to functional languages and their
optimization. As a consequence, people working on JavaScript, Ruby,
Python, Java, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Haskell, Beta, C++, C#, OCaml, F#,
etc. are all welcome.

Important Dates:
Paper submission: April 8th 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 8th 2009
Workshop: July 6th 2009

Program Committee:
Mark van den Brand, TU Eindhoven
Stéphane Ducasse, INRIA Lille
Roland Ducournau, LIRMM
M. Anton Ertl, TU Wien
Daniel Frampton, Australia National University
Andreas Gal, Mozilla Corporation
David Grove, IBM TJ Watson
Richard Jones, University of Kent
Eric Jul (co-chair), DIKU
Francis Chi Moon Lau, University of Hong Kong
Christian Probst, TU of Denmark
Raffaele Quitadamo, University of Modena
Ian Rogers (chair), University of Manchester
Yannis Smaragdakis, University of Massachusetts
Olivier Zendra (co-chair), INRIA/LORIA

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