Hi, Running off the latest HEAD, the following pass on my machine: > FAIL: java.awt.Component.keyPressTest > FAIL: java.awt.FileDialog.TestGraphics > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.keyPress > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.keyRelease > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.mouseMove > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.mousePress > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.mouseRelease > FAIL: java.awt.Robot.mouseWheel > FAIL: java.awt.Scrollbar.ScrollbarPaintTest > FAIL: java.awt.TextArea.ScrollbarPaintTest > FAIL: java.awt.TextComponent.ignoreOldMouseEvents > FAIL: java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal.simple > FAIL: javax.swing.RepaintManager.addDirtyRegion (Roman just fixed this) Most of those tests use the Robot in some way, and I've noticed that tests using the robot require that the computer be dedicated solely to the tests... running it in the background while doing other work can cause the tests to return incorrect results. Anyways, that narrows down the list a bit if those tests do indeed pass =) Francis